Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1853 Main text finale + extras

Su Yijing had already considered this and said: "I am back to the Imperial Capital this time, and I will stay in the Imperial Capital. Parents, don't worry about me being in the Imperial Capital."

When Jing Jing heard this, he felt relieved, "Your father and I will naturally feel relieved if you watch them in the imperial capital."

Su Yijing said: "Didn't you leave them to me to take care of them in the first place? I just have nothing to do."

Jing Jing said: "Then you plan not to enter the military camp in the future?"

Su Yijing said: "The military camp is like that, but if Xiyun needs me to enter the military camp, I will naturally go in. Mom, don't worry about me, I have a sense of propriety."

Jing Jing nodded happily. Among the seven sons in her family, her eldest son is the most measured.

Three days later, Su Yijing took three beauties, An Yiqi, An Yilin, and An Yizhi, to the imperial capital.

The four of them were very reluctant to leave their sister An Baobao. Before leaving, they hugged their sister An Baobao for a long time before they were willing to leave.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi stood at the door holding An Baobao to see off Su Yijing and the others. They watched Su Yijing and the others' carriage go further and further away. It was not until Su Yijing's carriage disappeared from sight that Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi looked back.

The two of them looked down at their precious daughter, An Baobao, and then they looked at each other and smiled.

Then, Xiao Changyi put his arm around An Baobao's shoulders, and Anjing An, who was holding An Baobei, leaned in Xiao Changyi's arms. The two of them were no longer looking at each other, nor at An Baobei, nor at the direction Su Yijing and the others were leaving. , both of them just stood there, looking at the surrounding fields, mountains, and streams.

The years are quiet, ordinary and simple, this is the life they want.

Regardless of whether their seven sons are with them or not, their lives continue. The lives of their seven sons also continue. It can also be said that the lives of their seven sons have just begun.

As parents, they hope that all their children can be as happy as they are.

I don't know how long I stood there, and I don't know how long I looked at the pastoral scenery around me. After I was satisfied, An Jing looked at Xiao Changyi again. The smile on her face was like the warm sun in winter: "My husband, let's go in."

"Yes." Xiao Changyi responded lightly, his cold eyes full of tenderness and deep affection for her.

I saw him surrounding her, and she holding the child, turning around together, entering the yard together, and returning to the house together.

Full of happiness, full of you, full of me.

Just like meeting for the first time.

One glance lasts a lifetime.

(End of text)

The following is the extra -

In the nineteenth year of An Jing's time, on the eighth day of October, Su Yijing arrived in the imperial capital with three beauties, An Yiqi, An Yilin, and An Yizhi.

The three little beauties once lived in the Imperial Capital, but at that time the three little beauties were still young and had no impression of the Imperial Capital. Now that they came here again, they saw that the Imperial Capital was not only big but also extremely prosperous, so they asked Su Yijing to accompany them to play in the Imperial Capital. for five days.

After taking the three beauties around the imperial capital, An Yiqing also returned from the Five Phoenix Kingdom.

When An Yiqing saw Su Yijing coming to the imperial capital with three beauties, he was 80% happy and 20% unhappy. What is unhappy is that his eldest brother has come to the imperial capital, so he, the third prince, is no longer the boss in the palace.

"Did your mission to the Five Phoenixes go smoothly?" Su Yijing asked An Yiqing casually while asking the three beauties to calm down and stop being so playful. It was really unbearable.

An Yiqing immediately smiled and said: "I just went to attend a wedding, it went well. But brother, don't mention it, that Feng Feiyan is really good-looking."

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