Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1854 He is really quick

Su Yijing was too lazy to pay attention to An Yiqing's comment that Feng Feiyan was good-looking. To him, Feng Feiyan was just a stranger, so whether she was good-looking or not, what did it have to do with him?

But An Yiqing continued: "Feng Feiyan asked me to tell my father and second uncle that she would personally go to Xiyun as an envoy. She herself said that it would be in two months, and it was estimated that she should be able to do it in mid-November. To the imperial capital.”

"She actually came in person and was in such a hurry," Su Yijing muttered, "It seems that she very much hopes for a good relationship between the two countries."

An Yiqing said: "Although Wufeng Kingdom is small, my father and my second uncle don't like Xiyun to go to war with other countries again. It would be good if we could be on good terms with Wufeng forever."

In fact, Su Chengyu had the desire to dominate the world, but thinking that once a war started, the people would suffer, Su Chengyu suppressed this desire.

But if another country invades Xiyun, Su Chengyu will not be lenient even if he does not want the people to suffer.

What Xiyun maintains now is that I will not offend others unless others offend me.

"Brother," An Yiqing suddenly approached Su Yijing with a smile, "Feng Feiyan can marry many men, so can I marry several men too?"

Su Yijing looked at him sideways, "If you are not afraid that your parents will disown you as their son, then you can have three wives and four concubines."

An Yiqing suddenly looked disappointed, "Mom, it's really strange. Which man here doesn't have three wives and four concubines? She actually interfered with how many we married."

Su Yijing said: "Dad doesn't have three wives or four concubines, nor does his second uncle, nor his adoptive father, nor his palace uncle, nor his uncle Meng."

An Yiqing was choked at first, and then argued: "They must have been influenced by dad!"

Su Yijing darkened his eyes and said calmly: "You don't like anyone now. If you really like someone, as much as your father loves your mother, you will be willing to marry her even if it is to marry her, let alone just marry her. "

An Yiqing didn't care much, and said with a playful smile: "I don't like anyone, but I know that you and your second brother both have people you like."

Su Yijing immediately fell silent.

When An Yiqing saw it, he immediately became anxious and quickly apologized: "Brother, please don't be like this. I was wrong. I shouldn't have said that you had someone you liked. Didn't I just forget that the person you liked ran away secretly?" Don’t you want me?”

As he was talking, An Yiqing realized something was wrong and immediately scolded himself: "Damn it! The more I talk, the more I hurt your heart! Okay, okay, I won't say it anymore. It's all my fault anyway, no matter why, It's all my fault. As long as you stop doing this, you are my eldest brother. How can I really bully you? It's obvious that you have always bullied me."

Su Yijing didn't say anything about Qingqing, nor himself. He just changed the subject: "You said your second brother has someone he likes?"

Seeing Su Yijing change the subject, An Yiqing breathed a sigh of relief and replied: "Yes, it's Qingyi. If the second brother doesn't like her, can he take her with him everywhere? And live in the same room with her? Why? Sleeping on the same bed? Brother, I saw them sleeping on the same bed and under the same quilt once. I have to say that the second brother was really quick to move them to the bed. "

Su Yijing said nothing more. In fact, he also saw that his second brother Su Yixing liked Huo Qingyi.

As for sleeping in the same bed, he really didn't know.

On the second day of November, Feng Feiyan arrived at Xiyun Imperial Capital.

"Brother, my second uncle asked you to come with me to greet Feng Feiyan." Early that morning, An Yiqing came to Su Yijing in a hurry.

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