Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2096 Extra: Three people reverse time travel 1

In the mirror, it was him. To be precise, he looks exactly like himself when he was young.

This body is not his, but this person is also named Su Changyi.

He didn't know whether his previous body was dead or alive, or whether it was still in Tianyun. He only knew that the owner of this body had died in a car accident, and he was now the owner of this body, and he had inherited the power of this body. All memories.

And relying on the memory of this body, he knew that this was modern times and had many more advanced things than his original world.

What's even more amazing is that the owner of this body is not only named Su Changyi, but also has a father named Su Haoyu and a younger brother named Su Chengyu. Isn't Su Haoyu the name of his adoptive father? Isn't Su Chengyu the name of his adopted brother? The problem is, this Su Haoyu looks exactly like his adopted father, and Su Chengyu also looks exactly like his adopted brother.

Thinking about what his adopted brother Su Chengyu said before his death, that he hoped to be his adopted father's flesh and blood in the next life, Xiao Changyi couldn't help but murmured: "Could this be the afterlife?"


Xiao Changyi just kept silent and stopped thinking about it. Take it as it comes, since he is now Su Haoyu's biological son and Su Chengyu's biological brother, he can accept it and is happy to accept it.

It's his wife and daughter

Considering that he was with his wife and daughter before he came here, and not only was he illuminated, but his wife and daughter were also illuminated, then his wife and daughter should also have come to this world.

Thinking like this, Xiao Changyi cheered up and said resolutely in his heart: "Jing'er, honey, I will definitely find you!"

Having made a decision in his heart, Xiao Changyi stopped thinking about his wife and daughter for the time being. Instead, he carefully received the memory of the original owner of the body, so that he could better understand everything about the original owner, so as not to cheat.

The original owner was the president of the Su Group. He had a cold personality, didn't like to talk, and was very impatient. His personality was similar to his, so Xiao Changyi felt that he didn't need to pretend at all.

And through the memory of the original owner, he knew that Su Haoyu was still an old kid, and Su Chengyu was still a talker.

Su Chengyu, in particular, brought out his chatterbox attribute to the fullest. The original owner was particularly annoyed by this younger brother, but had no choice but to throw away the card and send him away every time.

Thinking of this, Xiao Changyi's lips curled up slightly: "It must be the next life, they really haven't changed at all."

He estimated that the reason why Su Chengyu was so talkative now was because he had no throne to inherit, and because he had no responsibilities as the second child and could freely unleash his nature.

Obviously he was still feeling heavy about losing Su Chengyu, his adopted brother, but he didn't expect that when he opened his eyes again, his adopted brother became his biological brother, so naturally there was nothing heavy or sad about him.

As soon as the original owner graduated from college, the old boy Su Haoyu stopped caring about the Su Group and left it directly to the original supervisor.

Now the original owner is twenty-nine and has never had a girlfriend. Su Haoyu is urging the original owner to get married every day. The original owner was annoyed and moved out of the house. Not long after moving out, he was rear-ended on the road. , and also caused the original owner to lose control of his car and hit the guardrail. The original owner's head hit the steering wheel and died just like that.

When he opened his eyes, he was lying on the steering wheel in a daze. Before he could realize what happened, he was sent to the hospital.

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