Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2097 Three people reverse travel 2

I still feel a little dizzy. The doctor said I need to stay in the hospital for a few days to see if I have a concussion.

Recalling this, Xiao Changyi put the mirror back on the bedside table and said to himself: "There is no need to hide my name here for convenience of travel, so I will be Su Changyi in the future."

From then on, there was no Xiao Changyi who would use a pseudonym from time to time, but Su Changyi.

Thinking of his seven sons, Xiao Changyi sighed. It should be that the fate between father and son was over, so he came here. Fortunately, his seven sons all have wives, and they have someone to accompany them, so they will not be lonely. He has nothing to worry about.

What he is worried about is his wife and daughter.

His wife once told him that her original world felt the same as this one, so if his wife also came here, she should be able to adapt to life here. He was not that worried, but his daughter

Thinking of this, Su Changyi made a decision in his heart: "I will start looking for them after I am discharged from the hospital."

No matter how big this world is, no matter how difficult it is to find someone, even if he spends his whole life looking for them, he will find his wife and daughter.

Getting out of bed, Su Changyi planned to wash his face with cold water at the washbasin in the ward bathroom to make himself more awake.

Fortunately, with the memory of the original owner, even if he was a little uncomfortable, Su Changyi did not feel that these washing equipment were unfamiliar, and he knew how to use them.

Just when Su Changyi washed his face with cold water and was wiping his face with a towel, the door of the ward was pushed open with a bang, and then, a crying voice came: "Yier, my Yier, why did you get into a car accident?"

Su Changyi knew it was Su Haoyu's voice as soon as he heard it.

Su Haoyu was wearing a Tang suit and was supported by Su Chengyu, who was wearing casual clothes. He cried and rushed into the ward. When he saw that there was no one on the bed, he misunderstood and cried even more miserably. He sat on the ground with tears and snot streaming down his face: "Ah, my Yi'er, why did you die like this? I didn't even see your body!"

Su Chengyu was very upset, "Dad, the doctor just said that my brother just hit his head. If he didn't have a concussion, he could go home in a few days. He must not be dead. Where did the body come from?!"

Su Haoyu stopped crying immediately and asked: "Then where is your brother? Why is there no one?"

Su Chengyu looked around: "He should have gone somewhere." Hearing footsteps in the bathroom, he said again: "It seems to be in the bathroom. Get up quickly, I'll go and see if he is really there."

Su Chengyu just walked to the bathroom door and bumped into Su Changyi who had wiped his face and came out of the bathroom.

As soon as he saw Su Changyi, Su Chengyu hugged Su Changyi and cried: "Brother, you almost scared me to death. My father and I are counting on you to take care of us. If something happens to you, what will we do? It's such a big company, and my father and I can't manage it." Su Haoyu got up from the ground and agreed with him: "That's right, it's all your fault that the company is too big. I have no ability to manage it now. Anyway, you can't get into trouble!" Originally, the Su Group was not big, but since the original owner took over, in less than five years, the Su Group has become the largest enterprise in S City, and the Su family has also become the first wealthy family in S City. Su Changyi pushed Su Chengyu away with disdain, fearing that Su Chengyu would rub his tears and snot on him. At the same time, he said lightly: "My wallet is there, just take whatever card you want." Su Chengyu heard it and immediately went to get the wallet on the bedside table happily. He opened the wallet and took a black card from a row of cards. If you love reading, how can you not follow this public account? Search on WeChat: rdww444 or hot online novels, and chat about online novels together

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