Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2098 Three people reverse time travel 3

After taking it, Su Chengyu put the wallet back on the bedside table, and asked with a smile: "Brother, how much is in the card I got?"

Su Changyi glanced at the card in his hand and said, "That one doesn't have a penny on it."

Su Chengyu was stunned at first, and then he wanted to pick up Su Changyi's wallet again and change the card, but Su Changyi was one step ahead of him, took the wallet away, and refused to change it for him.

Su Haoyu laughed heartily: "Chengyu, your luck is really bad today. Do you want me to give you a charity? Give you a dime or two?"

Su Chengyu said angrily: "Don't you also want your money from Brother Cong? I don't want any of it!"

Su Haoyu said: "I just pity you, don't pull you down."

Su Chengyu: "Dad, I feel that I am not your biological child."

Su Haoyu said: "I never said you were my biological child. A smart and wise person like me would of course only give birth to a son as capable as your brother. I picked you up."

Su Chengyu immediately ran towards Su Changyi, "Brother, because dad hurt me so much, just give me another one. I'm really short of money recently, even my new girlfriend, she also dislikes it I'm a talkative, I want to use money to keep her, but if you don't give me money, I can't keep her! No woman can stand me! I can only rely on money!"

At the end of the sentence, he was not only excited, but also elongated his voice.

Su Changyi: ""

Su Changyi just remained silent, took out his wallet, threw it to Su Chengyu, and asked Su Chengyu to change it himself.

He was not short of money before, and he is not short of money now either. In order to keep quiet and not want Su Chengyu to refresh his cognitive bottom line again, he was very willing to spend some money.

Seeing that Su Changyi had really changed it for Su Chengyu, Su Haoyu immediately came over with saliva on his face: "Yier, it just so happens that my money is going to be a little tight."

Su Changyi had just sat back on the hospital bed. When he heard this, he glanced sideways at Su Haoyu: "In which month did I not ask Yi Mi to transfer money to your card?"

Lu Yimi is the assistant of the original owner. His full title in the Su Group is Special Assistant to the President. He is a well-rounded person.

"I've beaten them all, but my expenses have been a bit high recently." Su Haoyu hesitated.

Su Chengyu immediately smiled playfully: "Dad, are you planning to have a dusk love, so you are short of money like me?"

Su Haoyu slapped him on the head, "No matter how big or small! Although your mother has died a long time ago, I am still loyal to your mother!"

"Then why are you short of money? Brother Mingming gets a lot of beatings for you every month!" Su Chengyu muttered angrily while touching the painful back of his head.

Su Changyi folded his arms and leaned on the bed: "If you don't tell me the reason, I won't give you a cent."

Su Haoyu hesitated for a long time, and finally decided: "Forget it, I can't say it. Just treat what I just said as if I didn't say it. I'm not short of money now."

Su Chengyu touched his chin and smiled mischievously: "Dad, I really think you want to have a dusk love."

Su Haoyu slapped Su Chengyu's head again, but this time Su Chengyu dodged it. So, Su Haoyu chased Su Chengyu throughout the ward, trying to hit Su Chengyu's youngest son.

Su Chengyu kept hiding in the ward, laughing and joking.

It was so noisy that Su Changyi pinched his eyebrows with a headache: "I'm dizzy, you guys get out."

"Yes, the doctor just said that my brother will be dizzy and asked us not to disturb him. Then dad, let's get out quickly. This is the VIP ward. Even if we are not here, there are people from the hospital who will take good care of my brother." You who like to watch, How can you not follow this public account? Search v-letter: rdww444 or popular online articles. Let’s chat about online articles together.

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