Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2103: The Three-Man Reverse Travel 8

Ning Zihanjun's face was as cold as ice. He was really not polite at all. He asked the housekeeper to go down and call four bodyguards to come up and throw the person out.

"Hey, don't go too far!" An Baobao was hiding from Liang Youxu in the room while glaring at Ning Zihan. "I haven't told my father, the queen and the queen about your crime of insulting me yet, but you actually want to offend me again. Believe it or not, I will let my father, the queen and the queen wipe out your entire family!"

When Liang Youxu heard this, he stopped grabbing An Baobao. Instead, he walked next to Ning Zihan, who had cold eyes, and asked in a low voice: "President, does this person have a problem here?"

He pointed to his head.

Ning Zihan remained silent, but his face became even more ugly.

As soon as the four bodyguards arrived, they walked towards An Baobao, all trying to catch An Baobao and throw him out.

"You guys are going too far! You really think that this princess is easy to bully!" An Baobei didn't even take out her sword, and she knocked the four tall bodyguards to the ground in just a few strokes.

Ning Zihan: ""

Liang Youxu and the housekeeper stared wide-eyed. These bodyguards were all hired after strict selection. One person can fight five of them without any problem. How come this little girl can kill all four of them by herself? Is it solved so easily?

However, the moves this little girl used to knock down the bodyguard were really cool and handsome.

As soon as An Baobao dealt with the four bodyguards, he pulled out the sword from his waist and rushed towards Ning Zihan.

Ning Zihan didn't hide, he just stood there, narrowing his eyes little by little.

As soon as An Baobao rushed to Ning Zihan, he put his sword on Ning Zihan's neck: "They all listen to you, so you are their master, right? Why are you locking me up here? My father, queen and queen What? I was with them at the time!"

"Little sister, don't be like this." Liang Youxu thought that the coldly shining sword was fake, so he smiled and leaned over, trying to push the sword away from his CEO's neck, but unexpectedly, he just touched the sword, A cut was made by the sword, and blood beads immediately emerged from the cut, which showed the sharpness of the sword.

It's true

Liang Youxu's eyes widened in disbelief, and his voice trembled a little: "Little sister, you must be sure to be sure." If this was not careful, his CEO would have to die.

Ning Zihan was extremely calm, as if the sword was not against his neck. However, even though he was extremely calm, he was still a little surprised because he could feel the sharpness of the sword on his neck.

Not only is he very skilled, but he also carries such a sharp sword, which requires more control than the control of knives.

Especially in the hands of a psychopath.

"I'm not a little sister. I'm almost 20. I'm a very, very big girl!" After saying that, An Baobao looked at the calm Ning Zihan again. To be honest, she admired him for being like this, but it was rare for someone to look like he was okay with a sword against his neck.

But what's the point if he doesn't speak?

Thinking of this, An Baobao asked angrily: "Hey, I asked you something, why didn't you answer? If you don't say anything, I will really kill you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Baby An's stomach growled. So hungry.

Ning Zihan glanced at her belly before asking, "Are you hungry?"

Baby An nodded immediately: "Yeah, is there anything to eat? I've been hungry for almost a day!"

"Put the sword away."

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