Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2104 Three people reverse time travel 9

An Baobei hesitated and refused to remove the sword from his neck: "But you haven't told me the whereabouts of my father, queen and queen. Also, why do you want to lock me here?"

Ning Zihan had already decided that An Baobao had a mental problem, so he would not go against An Baobao. Otherwise, there would be no results until dawn. This man is really very skilled, and he also has an extremely dangerous sword in his hand. Coupled with his mental problems, he is really likely to use this sword to kill people.

He just said: "I didn't lock you up, and I don't know why you are here. Otherwise, I wouldn't have called the housekeeper so angrily just now, and misunderstood that you wanted to climb into my bed. As for your father, queen, and queen, I would not be so angry just now." I no longer know."

Both the housekeeper and Liang Youxu could tell that Ning Zihan wanted to stabilize the lunatic An Baobei first, and they all nodded in agreement, indicating that this was what Ning Zihan said.

An Baobei thought about it carefully and felt that it was true, but she still didn't sheath her sword: "Even if you misunderstood, you did insult me ​​and I'm not that ungenerous. As long as you follow I apologize, let’s just forget about it.”

"I'm sorry." Ning Zihan apologized immediately.

Even though the housekeeper and Liang Youxu knew that Ning Zihan was trying to stabilize An Baobao, they still stared in disbelief. You know, their young master and president have never apologized to anyone.

An Baobao then put away the sword, inserted the sword into the scabbard, and asked with a smile: "Is there anything to eat?"

"Yes." After a pause, "Butler, take her to dinner."

The housekeeper quickly led the way.

An Baobei immediately followed the housekeeper. If you have anything to do, wait until she fills her stomach before talking about it.

Seeing An Baobao walking away, Liang Youxu approached Ning Zihan again and asked, "President, what?"

Ning Zihan pulled off his tie and threw it on the bed, and said without any emotion: "Contact all the mental hospitals in the country to see which mental hospital she escaped from."

"Why bother? Just call the police and ask the police to take her away."

Ning Zihan frowned slightly, somewhat resisting Liang Youxu's proposal. I saw him unbuttoning his shirt and asking in a calm tone: "Are you the president, or am I the president?"

"Of course you are the president!"

"Then do as I say."

"Yes, President."

"It's already night. Even if you contact the mental hospital, you may not be able to ask. Let's start taking care of this matter tomorrow. Now you go to the monitoring room and pull up the video to see how she entered my room."

"Yes, CEO." Liang Youxu turned around and went to the villa monitoring room.

Ning Zihan ordered the servants to change all the items on his bed before going to the bathroom to take a shower. But after taking a few steps towards the bathroom, he buttoned up his shirt again and went downstairs to the dining room.

In the dining room, An Baobei was sitting at the dining table and devouring her food because she was too hungry.

Ning Zihan frowned slightly, then sat down opposite An Baobao, snapped his fingers, and a servant immediately brought red wine.

He took the red wine and shook the goblet. The red wine in the glass swayed into a beautiful and eye-catching whirlpool, but Ning Zihan didn't look at it, but looked at An Baobao.

Seeing that An Baobao was only focused on eating, he took a sip of red wine slowly and elegantly, and then asked: "What's your name?"

"An Baobao. What about you?" An Baobao asked subconsciously.

"Ning Zihan."

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