Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2106 Adapting to Modern Days 1

Thinking this way, An Baobei became energetic. She has to find her parents, she doesn't want to be here alone.

However, her top priority now is to settle down first and get familiar with everything here, so that she can find a way to find her parents.

He couldn't figure out why he came here as soon as he was exposed to the light. An Baobei simply stopped wasting his brain cells thinking about this matter, and instead thought about settling down first. And she didn't know anyone here, but she knew one, and that person's name was Ning Zihan.

An Baobei's eyes lit up when he thought of this.

Although Ning Zihan has a bad temper, he should not be a bad person, otherwise he would not give her food.

Well, it’s him!

Let him take her in!

As soon as she thought about it, An Baobao walked back refreshed. When she returned to the gate of Ning Zihan's villa, she found that the gate was closed. She didn't bother to call anyone, so she climbed over the wall and went in.

"You, you, you," the housekeeper was in the living room, wondering what his young master's words meant. Suddenly he saw An Baobao come in, making him unable to speak clearly. Is this person a ghost? How did you get in?

Before he could finish his question, An Baobei walked towards the dining room and complained: "Uncle housekeeper, why did you close the door, so I had to climb over the wall to get in."

Climb over the wall

The housekeeper was silent at first, and then he was frightened. He rushed to the yard and looked at the high walls of their villa. He was immediately frightened. So high, she can even climb in?

Don't be afraid of crazy people, just be afraid of crazy people with great skills. At this moment, the housekeeper only had this sentence in his mind.

As soon as An Baobei entered the dining room, she continued to sit at the table and eat. She wasn't full yet. When she was full, she went to talk to Ning Zihan about letting him take her in.

As soon as she was full, An Baobei went upstairs to find Ning Zihan. The lock on Ning Zihan's door had been changed, and both the inside and outside locks were good.

When the housekeeper took An Baobao downstairs for dinner, An Baobao paid special attention to everything in the villa. When she reached the door of Ning Zihan's room, she politely knocked on the door with her fingers.

When she couldn't hear a response from inside, she put her ear against the door and listened to the sounds inside. She still couldn't hear any noise inside, so she pulled the lock handle and tried to get in.

The housekeeper followed up and when he saw Baby An pulling the lock handle, he understood why the lock handle inside the door lock of their young master's room was broken. He quickly said: "Miss An, you are not the one who opens the door like this. You just need to gently open the door." Turn it down and push it again.”

An Baobei suddenly realized: "No wonder I can't open the door no matter how hard I pull. It turns out that's the case. Your lock is so weird. It doesn't even have a bolt."

Butler: "What era is this? You really think you are from ancient times." Yes, yes, this person is mentally ill, so he'd better not care too much about her.

As soon as An Baobei opened the door, she saw Ning Zihan coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel. An Baobao immediately covered her eyes with her hands, turned her back to Ning Zihan, and scolded: "You are a dignified man, you are so ignorant. Shame! Look at how shameless you are! No one like me has done this before!

Ning Zihan looked down at himself before his mouth twitched. Then, with a look from him, the butler left immediately.

Ning Zihan was not surprised at all that An Baobao appeared in front of him again. He intuitively felt that this psychopath had some intelligence, but he was very mentally ill.

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