Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2107 Adapting to Modern Days 2

Still wearing only a bath towel around his waist, Ning Zihan wiped his wet hair with a towel, walked to An Baobei, and asked lightly: "What's the matter?"

An Baobei did not answer, but still faced him with her back, spreading her fingers apart, exposing a little of her eyes. Then, she turned around slightly and took a peek. Seeing that Ning Zihan was still wearing only a bath towel, she covered her eyes tightly again and shouted: "Why are you so shameless! You haven't put on your clothes yet!"

Being scolded for being shameless again

No one has ever dared to scold him like this. Ning Zihan didn't twitch his lips this time, but his face was very ugly. But thinking that the person in front of him was a psychopath, he shouldn't care too much, otherwise he would just find his own anger.

Thinking of this, Ning Zihan stopped being angry, and continued to wipe his hair while saying: "You have gone out and seen it, and you should know that this place is very different from your ancient times. It is normal for me to be like this here, after all. Not as shameless as you said."

An Baobao immediately grabbed the keyword and asked urgently: "Ancient times? Why do you say we are ancient?"

Ning Zihan said: "Your clothes are similar to those worn by our ancestors. They were also very conservative, and they also emphasized the relationship between men and women, just like you showed. That's why I said you were ancient. And correspondingly, This is modern. Modern culture is very open, and I’m not wearing anything, so there’s no need to make a fuss.”

Ning Zihan had never said so many words before. If it weren't for the purpose of stabilizing this lunatic and cooperating with this lunatic to avoid making trouble again, he wouldn't have bothered to say anything.

An Baobei was not stupid. She had long seen that everyone was treating her as a sick person, but she still asked tentatively: "Do you believe that I am not from here, but from ancient times?"

Ning Zihan said cooperatively: "Yeah." After a pause, "However, you'd better not do this outside, otherwise, some evil-minded people will arrest you and study it to see how you, an ancient person, came to the modern world."

An Baobei also felt that when she came to this world, she was different from the people here. She could easily be caught and burned as a monster. Listening to what Ning Zihan said, even though she knew that Ning Zihan was just cooperating with her and felt that she was actually sick, she could feel that he had good intentions.

"But I don't know much about this place, so I can't pretend to be from here," she said in a depressed tone, feeling very distressed.

Ning Zihan was very impatient, but fortunately, An Baobao had his back to him. He wiped his hair angrily and said lightly: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. I will let someone tell you so that you can understand." ”

Hearing this, An Baobao immediately turned around and said very happily: "Ning Zihan, how can you be so good?!"

Ning Zihan said that I was not good at all.

Seeing that Ning Zihan was only wearing a bath towel, An Baobei tried her best to accept it this time and told herself not to make a fuss. When she put down the hand that was still on her eyes, she quietly blushed.

She had never seen a man like this.

Seeing An Baobao blushing, Ning Zihan sneered in his heart: He is indeed a lunatic, he really thinks that he is an ancient!

"If you have nothing to do, just go out. I want to rest." Ning Zihan felt that his patience had reached its limit.

"If something happens! I'm here to talk to you!"


"I want you to take me in for a while. When I find my parents, I will leave."

Just now he said he was his father, queen and queen, and now he said he was his father and mother, Ning Zihan was even more convinced that An Baobao was a psychopath.

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