Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2263 What do you want him to do?

Ning Wenxian, on the other hand, was completely stunned.

She didn't expect that her brother agreed, but Su Chengyu himself disagreed.

Ning Zihan had already heard what Su Chengyu said and was a little confused. Why didn't things develop as he expected?

What do you think of him?

Even though Su Changyi and the others always took videos and photos of the two babies for Anjing to see, they still wanted to see the two babies in person.

Su Changyi had no choice but to push the hospital bed every day and take Anjing lying on the hospital bed to look at the large glass window of the insulation room.

Because this floor was covered by him, it was quite quiet, so he didn't have to worry about putting the hospital bed in the corridor to block anyone's arrival.

The two babies are not yet able to feed themselves. Doctors and nurses use nasogastric tubes to drip milk directly into the stomachs of the two babies, so that the two babies can continue to survive.

Every time they saw this scene, they all turned red-eyed. Especially Jing Jing, Su Haoyu, and An Baobao, they cried and their eyes kept falling.

How can they bear it when a child of such a small age has to suffer such a thing?

A month later, Anjing fully recovered, and Su Changyi no longer restricted Anjing. Anjing could stay at the door of the insulation room as long as he wanted.

The two babies were in the insulated room. Anjing didn't want to go anywhere anyway, she just wanted to guard her two babies.

Su Changyi stayed with An Jing in the hospital at first, but sometimes the company would have to go to work when there were important things that he had to deal with. If there was no such important thing that he had to go to the company, he would always stay in the hospital while doing so. Watching the two babies with Jing Jing while working.

Although Su Haoyu, Su Chengyu, and An Baobei did not stay with Anjing like this every moment, they still came to the hospital almost every day to see the two babies.

No one mentioned Ning Zihan and Ning Wenxian again. Apart from worrying about the two babies, the atmosphere in the Su family remained the same as before.

The two babies, Su Mo and Su Xin, lived in the incubator for five months before all indicators showed normal. After a few more days of observation, the doctor told Jing Jing and the others that the two babies could be taken home to be raised. If you take good care of it, there should be no problem.

This day happened to be December 20th in the Gregorian calendar, and the weather was a bit cold, but because the two babies were healthy and could be taken home, Anjing and the others were very happy and did not feel the cold weather at all.

However, even though the two babies are five months old and healthy, they are still much smaller than other five-month-old children.

Originally, the Su family was always in a depressing atmosphere because the two babies were in the hospital incubator. But now that the two babies are back home, the Su family is even more happy and full of laughter.

Su Haoyu was so happy that he could hold his grandchildren and tease them. Su Haoyu was so happy every day.

But now that the two babies are healthy and back home, An Baobei and Su Chengyu feel less guilty.

"Sister-in-law, give Mo Mo a hug." Baby Su Xin is now in Su Haoyu's arms, and Su Haoyu is teasing her happily. He wants to hold her, so naturally he can only find Anjing to hold Su Mo's baby.

When Jing Jing heard this, he smiled and gave Su Chengyu the baby Su Mo in his arms. At the same time, he gave the bottle to Su Chengyu and asked Su Chengyu to help feed Su Mo's baby. Baby Su Mo was crying loudly because he was hungry.

The crying was really loud, but they sounded very happy and relieved when they were quiet.

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