Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2264 I can’t wait, I can just dream~

You know, before, Su Mo and Su Xin were in the incubator, very thin and weak, and had no strength to cry. Every time they cried, they were so weak and looked like they were about to die. Every time they saw it, they were so worried and distressed.

Just when Su Chengyu was happily feeding Su Mo's baby, Su Chengyu's mobile phone on the table rang. Su Chengyu heard the vibration of his mobile phone and glanced at it subconsciously, and then, he didn't care.

An Jing was sitting next to Su Chengyu. She saw that it was Ning Wenxian who called Su Chengyu, but Su Chengyu didn't answer. She hesitated for a moment, but still gently pushed Su Chengyu to let Su Chengyu answer.

Su Chengyu sneered: "We haven't contacted each other for more than five months, and we were completely cut off more than five months ago. I don't know if she took the wrong medicine these days. She called me every day, but I didn't answer. What can she do to me?"

Probably really angry, Su Chengyu picked up the phone and directly blacklisted Ning Wenxian's number, so that Ning Wenxian's phone could never come in again.

Su Haoyu didn't see that it was Ning Wenxian who called at first. He was playing with his granddaughter. Later, when he saw Su Chengyu pick up the phone and put Ning Wenxian's number into the blacklist, he snorted: "I guess she has other boyfriends, but she thinks they are not as good as you, so she found you again." Su Chengyu immediately laughed: "Dad, didn't you say that I was not good at all? Now I am better than others? Okay, don't worry, I liked her very much before, but it's been so long, I let it go a long time ago, and I won't have anything with her anymore. Besides, there was nothing between me and her before. I just pursued her, but she didn't agree, so forget it." Su Haoyu laughed, and didn't say anything about Ning Wenxian, but said: "I will take turns with you." Su Chengyu was so happy that he could hold his little niece baby, and hurriedly took turns with Su Haoyu. An Jing laughed: "You hold one over, one over, when will the baby get to hold her?"

Baby An immediately smiled and said: "When Uncle Er goes to work, I can hold her tightly."

Su Chengyu said: "Why don't you talk to your grandpa?"

Baby An smiled: "Grandpa is at home every day now, and he wants to hold Momo and Xinxin. I respect the old and love the young, so of course I can't compete with him."

Su Haoyu said happily; "Baby is still good, your uncle wanted to compete with me to hold her just now, fortunately your mother gave birth to two this time, if she gave birth to one, your uncle would definitely not be able to hold her."

Su Chengyu grinned: "Dad, it would be better if sister-in-law had five babies this time, so that you can hold one, baby can hold one, brother can hold one, and sister-in-law can hold one. One, I'll hold one."

Su Haoyu immediately nodded with a smile: "Yes, yes, yes."

An Jing found it even more funny: "I have already given birth to two children, that's right, you can forget about five, you can only wait until Chengyu gets married and Chengyu's wife gives birth."

Su Chengyu immediately said: "Don't say it, sister-in-law, if I really get married, I will definitely discuss with my wife to give birth to five children for Dad to hold."

Su Haoyu laughed: "It has to be six, because there is one more wife, five are not enough to hold."

Su Chengyu laughed and nodded: "Six is ​​six, Dad, you just wait, if you can't wait, you can dream about it."

"You stinky boy!" Because Su Chengyu was still holding the child in his arms, Su Haoyu didn't dare to kick Su Chengyu hard even if he kicked him.

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