Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2274 I know even if you don’t tell me

I saw the yellow-haired man trembling in fear and said: "Second Young Master, please don't argue with me this time. I didn't do anything, but she hurt me and threw wine in my face, eh."

Before the yellow-haired man finished speaking, he grimaced in pain.

It turned out that Su Chengyu grabbed a handful of salt used to mix cocktails, and then held the yellow-haired man's injured hand.

When salt meets a wound, it's no wonder that the yellow-haired man is in such pain.

While holding the yellow-haired man's hand tightly, Su Chengyu said with a smile like a warm spring breeze: "Forget it this time, in the future you have to open your eyes and see clearly. Not all women can be coveted by you, otherwise you I don’t even know what happened if I lost my life.”

The yellow-haired man's body was shaking from the pain, but he didn't dare to pull his hand back. This Second Young Master Su had already become the city's top tyrant thanks to the power of his brother Su Changyi, and he couldn't afford to offend him at all.

The onlookers all felt that their hands hurt too. Although Second Young Master Su usually seems to be very talkative, he behaves so skillfully that it really hurts everyone who looks at him.

Su Chengyu shook the yellow-haired man's hand again before letting go. A waiter had already brought water. Su Chengyu took the basin and quickly washed his hands to wash away the salt and the blood of the yellow-haired man, before pulling Ning Wenxian upstairs.

Ning Wenxian resisted being touched by other men, but she didn't resist Su Chengyu at all. On the contrary, she was still very happy at this moment. Her emperor not only pulled her back, he also stood up for her just now.

As soon as Su Chengyu pulled Ning Wenxian into his office, he looked for the medical kit to treat the injury on Ning Wenxian's hand. But he just found the medical kit. When he looked up, he saw Ning Wenxian smiling happily. This made him ask in an angry and funny tone: "Why are you laughing?"

Ning Wenxian just smiled and shook her head at him.

"I know even if you don't tell me." Su Chengyu held the medical kit in one hand and pulled Ning Wenxian to sit down on the sofa with the other. "You're laughing at me. I'm clearly ignoring you, but you're standing up for me, right?"

Ning Wenxian shook her head even more fiercely: "No, I'm not laughing at you, I'm happy."

Su Chengyu was stunned for a moment, then continued to take out things from the medicine box to treat Ning Wenxian's wounds.

Because Ning Wenxian held the glass piece very tightly just now, resulting in a deep wound. When cleaning Ning Wenxian's wound, Ning Wenxian hissed and gasped in pain, which made Su Chengyu's heart twitch. , very uncomfortable.

After finally treating Ning Wenxian's wound and tying gauze, Su Chengyu closed the medicine box, sighed heavily, and asked Ning Wenxian in a resigned tone: "What if I'm not with you?" , you just keep showing up in front of me?"

Ning Wenxian used her good hands to timidly pull on Su Chengyu's clothes, and said in a very low voice: "Chengyu, just stay with me." After a pause, "I can see that. You care about me."

Anyway, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth when she thought about how he helped her teach the yellow-haired man a lesson just now.

Seeing the corners of her mouth raised as she spoke softly, Su Chengyu felt funny: "Are you so sure?"

"Yeah." Ning Wenxian blushed and nodded twice.

Su Chengyu looked at Ning Wenxian from head to toe, and then said, "Don't tell me, since you found out that you like me, you have become more conservative."

Not to mention that she had overreacted just now, since she appeared in front of him again and said that she wanted to pursue him, he had never seen her wearing clothes that exposed her arms and legs, and she was all very conservative.

Just like his niece and sister-in-law.

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