Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2302 Pursuit of Baby An 2

My throat suddenly became choked and painful. Leng Yan was also a little red.

He was so uncomfortable that he couldn't speak, so he said in his heart: "Old man, you broke your promise to me in the last life. In this life, do you still want to break your promise to me that you will live to be a hundred years old?"

As soon as he said this in his heart, his tears fell. Then, he quickly wiped it off.

He was afraid that the old man would wake up and feel uncomfortable seeing him like this.

As soon as Ning Wuze learned that his father-in-law had such a serious illness, he asked Ning Zihan to come to S City Hospital to visit him.

Ning Wenze also asked Ning Zihan to match the model.

Ning Zihan went obediently.

But it happened that Dr. Qian was Li Junlin's eldest cousin, and Ning Zihan had met him several times. So, after the nurse took his blood, he said to Dr. Qian: "Cousin, I want to treat Do me a favor."

Li Junlin is the same age as Ning Zihan, and Dr. Qian is fifteen years older than Li Junlin. In addition, Ning Zihan has a particularly good relationship with Li Junlin. Dr. Qian really treats Ning Zihan like a junior. He smiled and said: "What kind of favor are you doing? Tell me, I will definitely help you if I can."

"That's it." Ning Zihan looked around and saw that no one would hear him, so he lowered his voice and said, "If I was successful in matching, I have to say that I was not successful in matching."

Doctor Qian immediately made a serious face: "If you don't want to save him, why are you matching him?"

Ning Zihan quickly explained: "It's not that I don't want to save him, but don't say that I'm a successful match, but if I are, I will secretly donate bone marrow to him."

Doctor Qian thought for a while and then said: "You mean, if you are successfully matched, you will donate bone marrow to him, but you don't want his family to know that the bone marrow was donated by you, right?"


"Why are you like this?" Doctor Qian was puzzled. "Didn't your sister marry his second son? There's no need to hide it like this."

The reason why Ning Zihan is like this is because he doesn't want the people of the Su family to have any change in his opinion.

Once he is indeed successfully matched and donates bone marrow to Su Haoyu, the Su family will definitely be grateful to him.

And he doesn't want this, it's fine now.

Without saying this out loud, Ning Zihan just said: "This is better. Cousin, just do me this favor. Didn't you just say that you would help me if you could?"

"I just don't understand why you did this. I didn't say I wouldn't help you. Well, since you don't want to say it, then I respect you. Why did you have such a good relationship with my weak little cousin?"

"Weak and helpless" Ning Zihan laughed. "If King Lin finds out about this, he will definitely want to beat you up."

"He doesn't dare to beat me. I'm his eldest cousin." Dr. Qian also smiled. Then he returned to the topic: "Then you go back to the hotel and wait for the news. I will know whether your bone marrow is suitable tomorrow morning. I will inform you then."


The next day, at nine o'clock in the morning, Ning Zihan received a call from Dr. Qian.

Dr. Qian said very happily: "Zihan, the matching report is out. Your bone marrow is really suitable. When will you come to the hospital for examination and donate bone marrow to the patient? The earlier the bone marrow is donated, the better. The patient is now I really can’t afford it.”

Ning Zihan said that yesterday just to be on the safe side, but he didn't expect that the matching was actually successful. He was stunned at first, and then said with a little joy: "Cousin, you are a doctor, I will follow your arrangements. Just don’t expose me as a donor.”

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