Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2303 Pursuing Baby An 3

"Don't worry, I have promised to help you. I have already told Su Changyi and the others that your bone marrow is not suitable, but at noon, I will tell them that there is an unnamed person whose bone marrow is suitable. "

"Thank you, cousin."

"Then you can find time today to secretly come to the hospital for a full-body examination. First, come to my office directly and see me. I will take you to do it. Once it is confirmed that there is nothing wrong with your body, I will arrange for you to donate bone marrow to the patient tomorrow morning. "


Although Su Changyi and the others didn't like Ning Zihan, they were still a little disappointed that Ning Zihan's bone marrow matching had not been successful.

Now they only want to save Su Haoyu.

No matter who is matched, they want it to be a good fit. They hoped so, but the matching didn't work out. Of course they were disappointed.

At noon, Dr. Qian came to them happily and said: "There is a male donor in another hospital in City S whose bone marrow is suitable for your father, but he just doesn't want you to know who he is and just wants to donate silently. If you want him to donate, If you do, you are not allowed to stay outside the operating room while I perform the bone marrow transplant on your father. If you agree to this, I can perform the bone marrow transplant on your father tomorrow morning." After a pause, "Your father's condition. You have also seen that we really can’t delay it any longer. The longer we delay, the worse it will be for your father.”

Su Changyi and the others were very happy that there was a suitable bone marrow, and they immediately agreed not to stay outside the operating room.

However, Jing Jing said apologetically, "Dr. Qian, this donor doesn't want us to know who he is, how can we express our gratitude?"

Doctor Qian said: "That person asked for it just because he was afraid of you doing this."

After Jing Jing heard this, she said, "Then I can only ask Dr. Qian to convey some of our gratitude to us. We are so grateful to him!"

Dr. Qian made arrangements. At ten o'clock the next morning, Dr. Qian performed a bone marrow transplant on Su Haoyu.

Ning Zihan naturally came to the hospital because he wanted to donate bone marrow, but he did so secretly for fear of being discovered by Su Changyi and the others.

As soon as the operation was over, Ning Zihan didn't dare to stay for a second longer. He got up and left. He didn't even listen to Dr. Qian's orders for him to rest.

But unfortunately, they met An Baobao and Ning Wenxian in the hospital lobby.

Ning Zihan immediately screamed in his heart: "Oops!"

Since the two of them could not stay outside the operating room, they happened to be thirsty again, so they went out of the hospital to buy water together. They had already bought several bottles of water and were being carried by An Baobao.

When An Baobei saw Ning Zihan, she just blinked her eyes, and then, just like before, she pretended not to see him.

But Ning Wenxian quickly stepped forward and asked, "Brother, why are you here? Didn't you go back with dad?"

Before he could speak, she noticed that his face was pale, and she immediately asked with concern: "Brother, why do you look so bad?"

Ning Zihan was panicking in his heart but calm on his face: "I guess I didn't sleep well last night." Then he answered her first question: "Chengyu's dad is having surgery today. Dad is worried, so he asked me to take a look. Go back again.”

Ning Wenxian really believed it and asked, "Have you seen it?"

"I've already seen it. Chengyu's father has just finished the operation. You should hurry up and have a look."

As soon as she heard that the operation was completed, Ning Wenxian hurriedly went up to see it. She stopped saying anything to her brother Ning Zihan, and hurriedly entered the elevator with An Baobao and went upstairs to see Su Haoyu.

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