Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2359 In my impression, she is the only one

After attending Li Junlin's wedding, Ning Zihan stopped staying in the city. After having breakfast, he said something to Li Junlin and returned to the city.

In the next month, Ning Zihan was very busy, but no matter how busy he was, he would call An Baobao every day, and An Baobao answered the phone every time. However, An Baobao's time to answer the phone was very short every time. , I don’t really want to talk to him.

He was quite happy that Baby An could answer his phone calls every day. This is really much better than before when she didn't answer his calls at all and he could only send her text messages.

This month, Ning Zihan was really too busy. He didn't have time to watch An Baobei's four live broadcasts in this month. But even though he didn't watch An Baobei's live broadcast, he was still the same as before, every time. The next time An Baobao broadcasted a live broadcast, he even went to reward him.

But after the reward was done, he went back to his business.

Now that he is done with his work, he can naturally watch An Baobao's live broadcast again.

An Baobao will have a live broadcast tonight. Ning Zihan has entered An Baobao's live broadcast room five minutes early. Even though the live broadcast room is still dark and An Baobao hasn't started the live broadcast yet, Ning Zihan is not impatient at all.

It's a wonderful feeling to like someone, but he is obviously not a patient person.

With the computer in front of him, Ning Zihan waited for five minutes. Five minutes, exactly at eight o'clock in the evening, An Baobei broadcast live on time.

When he saw Baby An appearing on the computer screen, Ning Zihan's sharp eyes couldn't help but soften.

In my impression, she was the only one who could influence him to this point.

An Baobei was dressed in ancient costume for another live broadcast today. She sat in front of the bed and played the guqin. The sound was very pleasant, which attracted many fans to buy gifts for An Baobao. There were also many barrages, all praising An Baobao for her talent.

Ning Zihan had time to watch An Baobei's live broadcast today, so he was not in a hurry to reward An Baobao, but just watched.

Indeed, Baby An is very talented.

He is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

The most important thing is that she is very skilled, especially when she is holding a long sword, it is as if the sword is growing in her hand, and everyone who dances can't take their eyes away.

An Baobao has been live streaming for more than two years. She has long been the top sister of the live broadcast network, and her status has never been shaken. A large part of the reason why An Baobei has been popular for so long and has such a stable position is because of her talents. .

Just when many fans were saying that An Baobao was talented, a very irregular and conspicuous barrage floated in front of everyone's eyes: "Your Highness, I will give you five hundred thousand, please wear something cooler, okay?" calls my baby Princess Her Royal Highness. Fans either call her Princess Princess, Your Highness, or Baby.

As this barrage passed by, those who praised An Baobao for his talent all stopped using this comment and instead used

"Yes, Your Highness, please wear something cooler, even if you show your arms. We have never seen you wearing clothes that show your arms and legs. You are really too conservative!"

"I raise my hands and feet in favor of the baby wearing something cooler!"

"The more exposed the better!"

"Yes, yes, the more exposed the better," accompanied by a squinting expression.


Many people who are in favor of An Baobei wearing something cooler are calling them out like a chicken blood, and they are completely angry about the comments. There are many, many, but among them, there are also those who are thinking about An Baobao, the idol.

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