Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2360 Cliff-breaking black technology!

"Didn't the baby say on Weibo that she is a bit conservative? Don't ask her to do that. As long as she is happy, it's fine."

"Baby, don't pay attention to them. Those who want you to wear something cool must be men!"

"Our princess is different from some broadcasters. If you want to see some nude scenes, please turn right when you leave!"

"Her Royal Highness's style is like this. We like her because of this style. Some people please respect themselves!"

Some people are neutral. They don't care whether An Baby wears cool clothes or not.

When An Baby was playing the piano, she glanced at the comments on the screen. She wanted to say that she was a bit conservative and would not wear revealing clothes, even if she showed her arms, but before she opened her mouth, she saw that the comments were dominated by a large red font.

It was all one sentence:

"I'll pay 50 million, and you are not allowed to show anything!"

The prefix of this sentence also has a username, which is the famous Ning Zihan.

An Baby wanted to hold her forehead. Why are you joining in the fun? Do you think the matter is not big enough?

As expected, the comments went crazy, and everyone was shouting: "Damn, damn, the speed is so fast, President Ning must have used black technology!"

"When President Ning posted, we couldn't post comments, it must be black technology!"

"President Ning, I support you, don't be careless and give 50 million!"

"Give it!"

"Give it!" Many people cheered.

"Do you remember who said he would give 500,000 to let His Highness wear cool clothes? Pull that person out for a walk. Those who dare to covet the one that the Great Demon King Ning likes are simply impatient to live!"

"Haha, that person must have run away a long time ago."

"Great Demon King 5."


"I only felt the strong sour smell in the air, 233333"

"Haha, I like to see the big guys spend money the most"

Ning Zihan didn't care about the ridicule on the Internet, and didn't care whether An Baobei agreed to his conditions, and really gave 50 million.

When An Baobei saw that Ning Zihan really gave 50 million in rewards, he immediately became anxious and said in front of millions of netizens: "Ning Zihan, what are you doing?!"

Ning Zihan used big red fonts to dominate the screen again: "Why, do you want to wear something cooler?"

An Baobei immediately shook his head: "Of course not!"

Ning Zihan used big red fonts to dominate the screen again: "Then even if you agree to my conditions, I will of course abide by my promise and give 50 million in rewards."

An Baobei: ""

When others can post barrages, the barrages are crazy again, with all kinds of words and colors floating in front of my eyes.

"Mr. Ning is controlling the comments again, bad review!"

"Big devil, please teach me your black technology, so that I can do the same next time, so that His Highness won't always see the comments I send and cry."

"Why do I feel that they are showing off their love when they are so naked and oblivious to others?"

"Why do I feel that they are showing off their love?"

"Why do I feel that? This is clearly a show! My teeth hurt. So sweet."

"In terms of rewards, only one person can compete with Mr. Ning, but it's a pity that one person surrendered without a fight."

"This is for me!"

"I just realized that His Highness seems to have never been with anyone, so I stand for it too!"

"Mr. Ning is Mr. Ning, his tone is so domineering, but I won't tell you, Mr. Ning's every word is so doting, Mr. Ning is absolutely sincere to His Highness"

An Baobei no longer has the heart to see what is posted in the comments, she just saw that she actually chatted with Ning Zihan in the live broadcast, so high-profile, which made her very irritated.

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