Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2536 Return to Tianyun 102

What good stuff? Ye Zhi asked again without mind.

Gong Juechen did not answer but asked: Do you still remember that sick young man of the Tao family called me uncle?


Seeing that he called me uncle and I had nothing to do, I allowed him to try the medicine on me.

Ye Zhi instantly squinted: You couldn't find the person to test the medicine for you, so you went to him, right? ! I'm warning you, don't act recklessly. His health is already bad enough. If he can't stand your torture and you die, I'll see how you can compensate him for having a son!

Don't worry, although I can't cure his poison, I won't torture him to death. I just want to see if the medicine I am practicing now has any effect on his poison.

Ye Zhi was still worried and said: I don't agree.

Zhizhi, Zhenzhi Immortal Palace Juechen’s voice was dragging for a long time, and she was yelling at Ye Zhizhi, which made Ye Zhizhi’s scalp numb and goosebumps all over her body.

Speak up! Ye Zhi pushed him away, preventing him from hugging her.

Then you agree, I would lie to others, but would I lie to you? I'm telling you, I can't cure anyone. If I really can't, it's just that the medicine has no effect on his poison and won't cause any harm to his body.

Ye Zhi still disagreed.

Zhizhi, just let me play. Gong Juechen drawled again. I haven't played like this in a long time, and I feel so itchy.

Ye Zhi looked at him sideways again, "I'm not afraid you'll kill someone!" Why don't you go find someone else. You can find it yourself.

Gong Juechen immediately said: "I am so healthy. If I take medicine or not, I might be able to survive. Of course, I have to give it to people who are in poor health. It might be of some use."

Ye Zhi frowned, but saw that Gong Juechen looked like he was thinking about it. Maybe if she didn't notice, he would secretly go to Tao Mingye to test the medicine, so she asked: Can you really cure people? Wouldn't it cause damage to his body?

Gong Juechen nodded immediately, really!

Then you go ahead and play. Ye Zhi was too lazy to care.

Zhizhi, you are so kind. Gong Juechen hugged Ye Zhi and kissed Ye Zhi on the face. I haven't finished the medicine yet, it will take several days. When it is ready, let's go to Tao Mansion to look for the sick rice plant together.

Those who have names are called Tao Mingye, those who are sick are called Sick Yangzi! People who have lost money still call you uncle!

I didn't let him call me that. Besides, I'm not that old either. Just call me uncle. Why do you call me uncle?

I kind of understand why you tried the medicine on him. I bet you thought he called you old! But at your age, you are already considered the age of a grandpa, I beg you!

Regardless of whether it was this or not, Gong Juechen said haha, anyway, you can go to Tao Mansion with me that day, it’s boring for me to go alone.

Um. Ye Zhi agreed. Then he said: Then I will ask the boss and brother-in-law to see if they are going. If they are going, the four of us will go together, and we will go out to have fun again.

Gong Juechen smiled playfully: "You can ask again after I prepare the medicine. I may not be able to prepare the medicine successfully."

Ye Zhi: Is there really nothing wrong with this medicine?

Six days later, on the seventh day of October, Gong Juechen prepared the medicine and immediately urged Ye Zhi to ask Jing Jing and Su Changyi.

Ye Zhi glared at Gong Juechen before going to the main hall to find Anjing and asked Anjing: Boss, do you and your brother-in-law want to go out to play with me and Gong Juechen today?


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