Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2537 Return to Tianyun 103

Jing Jing smiled and said: I haven’t had enough fun last month.

Ye Zhi said: "It's not really for fun, it's just for fun. The main reason is that Gong Juechen wants to go to the Tao Mansion to get Tao Mingye to test the medicine, saying that he is bored."

Jing Jing immediately disagreed and said: Tao Mingye's body can't stand the torment, how dare you let him go to Tao Mingye for a test?

I can't stop him. He was in high spirits and wanted to let Tao Mingye try his medicine to see if it worked. However, he assured me that even if the medicine didn't work, it would not cause any harm to Tao Mingye's body. , and you know he won’t lie to me, so I just believed him and let him make trouble like this.

If it is true as he said that even if the medicine is useless, it will not cause any damage to Tao Mingye's health, then you can go ahead. It may be of some use, and the child is quite pitiful. Your brother-in-law and I won't go. Mu Chen and Mu Ye are coming over for dinner today, mainly to see me and your brother-in-law. It's not a good idea for your brother-in-law and I to leave now.

Well, Ye Zhi won’t force it, then Gong Juechen and I will go.

Well, be careful on the road. After a pause, Jing Jing warned him not to reveal his identity.

Ye Zhi smiled and said: You don't need to talk about me. As for Gong Juechen, you don't need to talk about it. He seems to be laughing and joking, but he is a cunning person and will not expose himself naked by looking for trouble.

Tao Mingye was not an ordinary person. He was the son of a third-grade official. If their identities were exposed, people would be suspicious. They would be suspicious of this and that, so it would be better not to reveal their identities.

As soon as he saw Ye Zhi coming back, Gong Juechen asked: Are Jingjing and the others going?

If they don't go, the emperor and Lord Ye are coming to see them today, and they can't leave.

Then let's go ourselves. Gong Juechen was always extremely excited about things like testing drugs.


When he arrived at the gate of Tao Mansion, Gong Juechen stepped forward and asked the guard: Is your eldest young master here? We want to find your eldest young master.

When the guard boy saw that Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi were well dressed, he did not dare to neglect them and immediately said: "The eldest young master is not here. The eldest young master is accompanying the eldest young lady back to her parents' home to prepare for the martial arts test next year."

Ye Zhi wondered: Why should I go to my parents' home to prepare for the exam?

The young man said: Our eldest wife’s natal family used to be a general’s residence, and there was a large school ground, which was convenient for preparing for military examinations.

I see. Ye Zhi nodded and then said to Gong Juechen, let's go to the Huo family to look for it.

Gong Juechen, who now wanted Tao Mingye to test the medicine on him, of course agreed immediately without any objection.

When the two of them arrived at the gate of Huo Mansion, Gong Juechen asked the gatekeeper again: Tao Mingye, is Mr. Tao here? We are here to find him.

Our uncle is here. Seeing that Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi were well dressed, the gatekeeper asked again: May I ask what your surname is?

My surname is Gong. If you tell him that he will call me uncle twice when he meets me twice, then he will know who I am.

This is your wife, I guess. Then please wait in the living room. I will ask someone to report this to our uncle.

Ye Zhi and Gong Juechen entered the Huo Mansion together and took their seats in the living room. Someone quickly served them tea, and they didn't wait long before they saw Tao Mingye being helped in by a young woman in her sixteenth or seventies.

The young woman was very good-looking. She carefully supported Tao Mingye, as if she was afraid of being bumped by Tao Mingye. It didn't take much to know that this young woman cared about Tao Mingye.


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