Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2538 Return to Tianyun 104

Uncle, it’s really you. Tao Mingye was very surprised when he saw Gong Juechen. Whether in Tao Mansion or Huo Mansion, there were only a handful of people who came to see him. Now that the uncle Gong came to him, Tao Mingye was quite happy.

Su Xin was also happy for Tao Mingye. Although Tao Mingye does a lot of business outside, he has always done it secretly, and Rusong is the one who comes forward. Due to his health, he hardly goes out and sees very few guests. Now someone comes to see her. If you talk to her husband-in-law, she will naturally be happy for her husband-in-law.

The old lady is here too. Seeing that Ye Zhi was there, Tao Mingye greeted Ye Zhi politely again.

Ye Zhi smiled and said: Just call me Grandma Gong, he and I are married.

Gong Juechen immediately said with a playful smile: "Then you call me Grandpa Gong, don't call me uncle, otherwise others won't know that we are a couple."

Eh. Tao Mingye responded softly with a warm voice.

As soon as Su Xin helped Tao Mingye sit down on the chair, she greeted Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi: Grandpa Gong and Grandma Gong.

Ye Zhi immediately smiled and said: "You must be his wife. We bought things twice and met him both times. He always bought food for you. He also said that a wife should be pampered when she gets married. Just now I saw you so... Be cautious, fearing that he might do something wrong. It can be seen that the two of you are very affectionate.

Gong Juechen looked Su Xin up and down, and then sighed exaggeratedly: If we hadn't heard about this, we really wouldn't have been able to tell that you, with your thin arms and legs, are actually the number one scholar in Wu.

On the way here, Tao Mingye told Su Xin that this uncle Gong was that playful and smiling person who didn't have any integrity.

Looking at it now, it’s true.

Su Xin knew it in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. Instead, she smiled and said: "I did a little too well on the test, but in fact I only have three-legged cat skills."

Ye Zhi smiled and said: You are too humble. How can you be the first in the exam with Three Legged Cat Kung Fu? Don't think that you can fool us because we are older.

Su Xin smiled politely and then changed the subject: It's almost noon, Grandpa Gong and Grandma Gong are here, why not have lunch here.

Before Ye Zhi could say anything, Gong Juechen said with a playful smile: That's fine.

Su Xin immediately asked someone to serve the meal.

Tao Mingye smiled and asked: "Grandpa and Grandma Gong, why are you here today?"

Gong Juechen said: Oh, that's it. I see that you are not in good health, so my son happened to prepare some tonics for me. I can't take that much, so I sent you some.

With that said, Gong Juechen took out a small porcelain vase and gave it to Tao Mingye.

The small porcelain bottle looked expensive at first glance, and the medicine inside must also be valuable. Tao Mingye stood up in fear and hurriedly. The tonic prepared by Grandpa Gong's son for Grandpa Gong must be extremely precious. How could he give it to Mingye? Mingye couldn't bear it. With that said, he wanted to return the medicine to Gong Juechen.

Gong Juechen hid behind his wife Ye Zhi, "Don't give it to me. I won't get back the things I always give out."

An old man was hiding behind an old woman. Su Xin looked at this scene and it became more and more funny.

But this medicine was given to Mingye, and Mingye took it to no avail. Tao Mingye looked embarrassed.

Ye Zhi immediately said in confusion: You didn't even eat it, how could you know it was useless?

Gong Juechen was still hiding behind Ye Zhi, sticking out his old head and nodding in agreement with his wife: "That's right, you haven't even eaten, how could you know it's useless."


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