Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2575 Return to Tianyun 141

This day was the fourth day that Su Xin and Tao Mingye stayed in the palace. Su Muchen, Su Muye and the others came.

Although Su Muye is a prince, one of them is a princess and the other is a consort. Su Muye is also their cousin. All he needs to do is give a slight salute. There is no need to kneel down or anything. But Su Muchen is different. Su Muchen Since he was the emperor, Su Xin and Tao Mingye could only kneel and worship according to the rules.

But being stared at by An Jing Jing, Su Changyi, Su Yijing, Su Yixing, An Yiqing, An Yiyun, An Yiqi, An Yilin, and An Yizhi, the threat was very obvious. How could Su Muchen dare? Ask Su Xin and Tao Mingye to kneel down, and quickly help them up before they kneel down.

"Don't kneel down from now on. Haven't you seen that my uncle, the emperor's aunt, and my seven cousins ​​are all staring at me? If I make you kneel down now, they will never give me any good things to eat." Su Muchen Not polite, just say this when you open your mouth.

But it seems that there is no quarrel between the royal family and the royal family at all, and they have a particularly good relationship.

Su Xin was very happy that she didn't have to kneel down.

Tao Mingye was a little surprised and a little scared, but as he got more used to it these days, he quickly accepted that he didn't have to kneel to the emperor.

Su Muchen continued to laugh and said: "I am very scared of an imperial uncle. With everyone staring at me, I am even more scared. Let's do this. From now on, as long as you are in private, please don't kneel down. Besides, Yi Jing They have never knelt down to me, and they are still living well.”

As soon as this was said, everyone laughed.

Even Su Changyi, who was always expressionless, slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

"It's just" Su Muchen was a little embarrassed, "This Xin'er has become my imperial cousin, what kind of official position should I give her? Originally, I wanted her to join the military camp and become a commander of thousands. Isn't she the number one scholar in the military? , but now, the commander seems a little too wronged to my sister."

Su Xin saw that Su Muchen really had a very good relationship with her parents and did not regard herself as an outsider at all, so she smiled heartily and said: "Brother Muchen, you don't need to be an official for me. I don't want to be an official. I took the martial arts exam before." The number one scholar really wants to be a high official, but I still have a purpose in becoming a high official, that is, my husband-in-law is not in good health, and I want to be a high-ranking official so that I can ask Brother Xing to treat my husband. "

Su Muchen immediately looked regretful: "Are you really no longer an official? Why don't you think about it again? You are a great talent and a princess, and you have to serve the country."

Su Xin said honestly: "My husband-in-law is not in good health. I really don't want to be an official now, but when my husband-in-law gets better, maybe I will ask Brother Mu Chen for an official position."

Su Muchen immediately asked with a smile: "When will Mingye's health be better? Has your second brother seen it?"

"Look, it will take half a year to heal."

"Then if he recovers from his illness and you want to be an official again, you must come to me."

"Okay." Su Xin agreed readily.

Su Muchen asked again: "What disease does Mingye have?"

Su Xin did not answer immediately, but looked at Jing Jing. When she saw Jing Jing nodded and allowed her to talk, she told her about her husband-in-law's poisoning, and naturally she also mentioned the Cao family.

Su Muchen's face darkened, "If it's really what Cao did, it's really vicious. Don't worry, Xin'er. Once you get the evidence, I will immediately ask the Criminal Department to investigate the matter thoroughly."

There is no evidence now, so he can only rely on verbal inferences. It is difficult for him to send someone to investigate, so as not to be blamed.

Su Xin said: "Thank you, Brother Mu Chen."

Tao Mingye was a little afraid to call the emperor Su Muchen his brother Muchen, so he just said: "Thank you, Your Majesty."


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