Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2576 Return to Tianyun 142

When Su Muchen heard this, he laughed: "Mingye is a cautious person."

Jing Jing smiled and said, "Mingye hasn't gotten used to it yet. At first, he didn't dare to ask me and your uncle to be father-in-law and mother-in-law. Once he gets used to it, he won't be like this anymore."

Su Muchen smiled and said: "The atmosphere of the royal family seems to have been changed by the uncle and aunt, but it is good this way. Everyone is harmonious and there is less intrigue. It is much more comfortable than my father and grandfather."

Jing Jing smiled and said, "You have to be willing to do this. If you are not willing to do this, no matter what your uncle and I do, we can't change you."

Su Muchen sat down next to Su Yijing and then asked with a smile: "Does this Xin'er have to have a princess mansion?"

Su Xin immediately laughed: "Originally, I was expecting you to give me a Military Scholar's Palace. Brother Mu Chen, are you not going to give it to me?"

Su Muchen also smiled: "Originally, I planned to give you the Wu Zhuangyuan Palace, but didn't my eldest aunt suddenly accept you as my adopted daughter? I'm a little embarrassed. Logically speaking, you are admitted to the Wu Zhuangyuan Palace, and you are the first in history. A female martial arts champion should build a martial arts palace for you, but now that you have a higher status as a princess, it is more appropriate to build a princess palace for you. "

Su Xin then smiled and said: "I think it's better to forget it. None of the seven brothers have mansions and they all live in the palace. If I don't feel comfortable living at my in-laws' house, I can just come and live in the palace. No one dares to say that." What. Besides, there is also the Huo family. I have plenty of accommodation, so don’t spend this money to build me a mansion. "

Su Muye agreed with Su Xin's words and laughed loudly: "You all don't want your own mansion, so shouldn't I, who owns a palace, be ashamed of myself? However, if I keep living in the palace and refuse to go out, Brother Huang must be anxious to death."

Su Muchen immediately laughed and scolded: "Don't always say useless things. You say every day that I am afraid that you will want my throne. So while my uncle and aunt are here, I will let you know. You can just say it now." If I take this position, I won’t care about anything in the future, and I’ll be happy and free.”

"No!" Su Muye refused with fear, and immediately begged for mercy: "I just like to say that, and you still take me seriously! It's not like you don't know my mouth! Okay, I won't say it anymore in the future , you must not give this position to me, you should give it to your son, you have so many sons, you can give it to any one, but don’t give it to me!”

Tao Mingye was surprised to see that Su Muye and the others didn't really care about the throne. However, when he thought that Su Changyi's father-in-law, although he was the King of Tianyun, didn't care about the throne at all and left everything to Su Yijing, he I even believe that this royal family is very different from the previous royal family.

Today's royal family does not care about how much power they hold, but cares about whether the people in the world are living well.

Unlike before, where the imperial power was supreme, so many people stepped on the bodies of countless people just for that supreme position.

Involuntarily, Tao Mingye admired Su Changyi and Jing Jing even more. If it weren't for the influence of these two people, how could the royal family be so harmonious and dedicated to the people.

At this time, Su Changyi, who had been silent, spoke: "Although you don't want a mansion, you must have people who can protect you. Why are you also a princess now? When you and Ming Ye go back, we will lead a team of royal guards from the palace." Let's go back."


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