Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2600 Return to Tianyun 166

And she hoped that her husband would respond to her gently as before, instead of her being the only one talking.

After talking to Tao Mingye for a long time, seeing that Tao Mingye was still unconscious and didn't respond to her, Su Xin first darkened her eyes, then smiled and said, "Husband, good night."

She leaned close to his lips and kissed him, then Su Xin closed her eyes, didn't turn off the lights, and just lay down to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Tao Mingye woke up in a daze, and he gasped because of the pain on his back. He wanted to struggle to get up, but he saw that there was still light in the room, and his wife was lying next to him.

Seeing that his wife was obviously asleep, but her brows were frowning, as if she had a heavy heart and couldn't sleep well, he felt a little distressed.

Regardless of the pain in his back, he reached out and gently touched her frowning brows with his bony hands, hoping to help her smooth it out so that she could have a good sleep.

But not only did he not let her sleep better, he also woke her up because of his touch.

Su Xin was half asleep. When she opened her eyes, she saw her husband touching her eyebrows. She called out in a daze, "Husband."

"Yeah." Tao Mingye responded gently.

His gentle response was a kind of magic to her. Su Xin's eyebrows finally stopped wrinkling, and she closed her eyes again with peace of mind. But after a while, she suddenly opened her eyes again and looked at the man lying next to her in disbelief.

The man did open his eyes and looked at her gently and smilingly.

Su Xin rubbed her eyes in disbelief. When she saw that it was not her hallucination, she cried, "I thought you would not wake up, woooo."

When Tao Mingye saw Su Xin crying, he quickly hugged her and hugged her. He didn't care whether his back hurt or not. He just comforted her and coaxed her very gently: "Xin'er, don't cry. It's all my fault. I made you worry. Don't cry, don't cry."

"Why did you get up? Get down quickly! Get down quickly! Don't you know that you have an injury on your back? You are going to make me anxious to death! Get down quickly! Get down quickly!" Thinking that the injury on his back had just healed a little, if it was torn, maybe his body couldn't bear it and he would fall into a coma again, Su Xin was so scared that she didn't let him hold her at all, and asked him to get down quickly.

Seeing that she was so worried, Tao Mingye obediently got down again, but still smiled at her gently.

"Don't laugh! You laughed after doing something wrong, apologize to me quickly!"

Tao Mingye apologized obediently: "I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" Su Xin still didn't let him go.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten up and made you worry. I shouldn't have been unconscious and made you sad."

Su Xin's expression softened, and she said aggrievedly: "Husband, you don't know how sad I have been these days. You have been in a coma for seven days. If you don't wake up, I will definitely be sad to death."

Tao Mingye touched her face distressedly, and his voice was extremely gentle: "Don't be sad, I'm awake now."

"Don't do that again in the future!" Su Xin suddenly asked angrily. "You are in such poor health, why did you block for me?! I am in such good health, even if I get hit, it's no big deal, but you almost lost your life!"

Tao Mingye shook his head and insisted: "If this happens again, I will still block for you. My health is not good, but I also have a heart that wants to protect you. I am very happy to be able to protect you. In my opinion, you are fine, which is better than anything else."

Su Xin was moved and burst into tears again.

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