Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2601 Return to Tianyun 167

Tao Mingye pulled her slightly without getting up, just kissed her tears away, and softly comforted her: "Don't cry, okay? I feel uncomfortable when you are like this. I woke up now, shouldn't we be happy? ?”

Su Xin sniffed, stopped crying, and lay closer to Tao Mingye.

Tao Mingye kissed her eyes first, and then kissed her on the lips. Then, he pinched her nose that was red from crying and smiled: "I didn't expect you to cry so much."

Su Xin immediately glared at him and retorted: "Who did it all? If I lie here for seven days and seven nights and can't wake up, I'll see if you cry or not!"

Tao Mingye said in a very serious and gentle voice: "Cry, I will definitely cry to death. Just for this, I can protect you, and I will definitely protect you at all costs."

"Don't make me cry anymore!" Su Xin's eyes turned red again, and she looked like she was about to cry again. Her husband-in-law almost died trying to protect her this time. Just thinking about it made her cry again.

Tao Mingye smiled and said: "I don't want to make you cry, I just want to tell you the truth. You are in better health than me, but I will never ignore you if you are in danger. I really don't want you to get hurt at all. ”

Su Xin nodded and said angrily: "I know. I know everything. But I still hope you will take care of yourself first."

Tao Mingye just smiled and said nothing. He could promise her anything, but he would not promise her this.

When Su Xin saw that he didn't speak, she knew that he still had the heart to protect her. She was even more moved and stopped talking about the topic. Instead, she said happily: "My dear husband, I will be more precious in the future." Yours. When you were in a coma, I said that as soon as you wake up, I will cherish you even more."

Tao Mingye laughed: "You already treasure me very much."

"not enough!"

Tao Mingye didn't argue with her, but said, "Then you should cherish me more."

"Yeah." Su Xin immediately nodded happily.

Seeing her so happy, he felt warm in his heart and his eyes became gentler: "Are you hurt?"

Su Xin immediately stretched out her left hand to him, "Yes, look. But it's scabbed. It'll be fine when it falls off. It's not a big deal. At that time, my entire attention was on you, and I didn't feel any pain." "

Her left hand was burned when she pushed the beam that was pressing on his back.

Tao Mingye kissed her left hand distressedly, so gently, as if he was afraid of hurting her, but it made Su Xin itchy.

"Ms. sir, please stop kissing me. I really didn't feel the pain at that time, but you're making me so itchy now." Su Xin couldn't stand being so mean and quickly took her left hand back to stop him from kissing her.

Tao Mingye was still very distressed.

Su Xin also touched his thin and pale face and sighed: "It's really great that you can wake up. You don't even know that when you were in a coma, I couldn't see other couples having a good relationship. This makes me think of you." , If you were not in a coma, you would be so kind to me and so precious to me."

"Yeah." Tao Mingye responded softly, feeling even more distressed.

"My parents live here. You probably don't know. They live in another room. They are worried about us. They have been here since the day of your accident and have never left. If they know that you are awake, I must be very happy. Just wait, I’ll tell them that you’re awake.”

However, Tao Mingye quickly held her back and refused to let her go: "It's so late at night, don't disturb the two elders. Let them sleep well. It won't be too late to talk to them in the morning."

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