Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2636 Return to Tianyun 202

"No!" Cao's face twisted, she couldn't accept it at all and yelled. "They wronged me, those two little bitches wronged me!"

"You are still quibbling!" Tao Chengyin was so angry that he didn't want to talk to Cao. "The poison was also found in your room. You asked them to send the mung bean cake and medicine. They also confessed your other evil deeds, all signed and sealed. I saw and heard them with my own eyes!"

Without saying anything more, Tao Chengyin threw the divorce letter in his hand into the cell to Cao: "This is a divorce letter. From now on, you are no longer my wife, Tao Chengyin!"

Cao picked up the divorce letter with trembling hands. Seeing that it was really a divorce letter, she tore it to pieces like crazy, and then yelled at Tao Chengyin with a twisted face: "Even if I am torn into pieces, I am still your wife! Don't even think about mentioning that dead bitch as your legal wife! Don't even think about it!" Tao Chengyin said indifferently: "It's useless to tear it up, anyway, I have divorced you." But Cao didn't listen to what he said, and continued to yell with a twisted face: "What's so good about that bitch, isn't it just because she can serve you, your heart is all on her! You are indifferent to me, the legal wife, and if I don't get you drunk, my Hai'er may not be able to get pregnant! I just want to kill her! She deserves it! You don't know how happy I was when I poisoned her. Others set off firecrackers to send her off, but I wanted to set off firecrackers to celebrate!" "You are vicious!" Tao Chengyin was so angry that he blew his beard and glared. "You forced me to be vicious! I regret now, why didn't I poison your illegitimate son at once! You don't know how much gossip I have been said because of his existence! Now I didn't poison him, but I won't let him go even if I become a ghost! I must drag him to the underworld to accompany me and Hai'er! Hahahaha" Cao laughed crazily, looking completely mentally ill. Tao Chengyin said: "He will not accompany you in the underworld. On the contrary, if Lord Xing can cure him, he will live a better life."

Cao immediately stopped laughing and was very surprised: "How can someone cure that poison?"

"You are going to die, why should I lie to you? Lord Xing has always been a skilled doctor, you have heard of it. Ye'er suspected you before, so she lied that Lord Xing was helpless after seeing you."

"That liar!" Cao was so angry that she almost bit her teeth off.

"He was doing it to protect himself, what about you?" Tao Chengyin sneered. "When you die, you will definitely go to hell. You have done too many immoral things. Lord Xing will definitely not let you out to harm people again. You don't even think about drinking Meng Po soup to reincarnate. You should be locked up in hell by Lord Xing for generations and never be reborn!"

After saying that, Tao Chengyin turned around and left.

"Tao Chengyin! Come back! Tao Chengyin, come back! Come back!" Cao was so excited that she slammed the cell door frantically. She wanted to go out, but she couldn't. She wanted Tao Chengyin to come back, but Tao Chengyin didn't even turn his head.

She was still slamming excitedly until Tao Chengyin disappeared from her sight. After a long time, she stopped.

She fell to the ground as if she had lost her soul.

Two days later, Cao died, and no one in the Tao Mansion felt sorry for her. However, Tao Chengyin went to Tao Mingye's mother's room and sat alone for a long time before coming out.

When he came out, Tao Chengyin called his three concubines, as well as Tao Mingsheng, Tao Mingxiang, Tao Mingqing, and Tao Mingfang, and said in front of Su Xin and Tao Mingye.

Nine Heavens God Emperor:

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