Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2637 Return to Tianyun 203

"Ms. Cao, you also know that I have divorced her. Originally, I planned to straighten Ye'er's dead and pitiful mother, but Ye'er took your feelings into consideration and disagreed, so I let it go. I don't want to marry her in the future. What a wife, my wife’s position will always be vacant, and we will be the only ones in our family from now on.”

After a pause, Tao Chengyin continued: "I don't have any extravagant expectations. Just us, this family can live a harmonious and beautiful life, and don't let anything like that poisonous woman of the Cao family happen again."

Everyone was a little surprised that Tao Chengyin actually planned to keep the position of his head wife vacant. Even Tao Mingye and Su Xin did not expect it.

However, Tao Chengyin said that the family lived happily in this way, and everyone really hoped for this.

that is

Tao Mingqing said slowly: "It stands to reason that the position of my father's wife is vacant. He will either marry her or fix her up. Now that my father doesn't marry or fix her up, who will be in charge of my backyard from now on?"

Tao Chengyin said to Su Xin: "Her Royal Highness is the eldest sister-in-law, why not take charge of it?"

Su Xin smiled and said: "Even though I am the eldest sister-in-law of the third brother and his wife, I am still just a daughter-in-law. I should let the three aunts take care of me."

The three aunts all refused to care.

"This" Tao Chengyin could only look at Su Xin again.

Su Xin then smiled again and said, "If dad doesn't think I'm nosy, I'll help him make the decision and choose someone to take charge of it. How about that?"

Tao Chengyin hurriedly said: "How dare I? Your Highness, please tell me, who is suitable to take charge of this backyard?"

Su Xin said: "Aunt Feng has always been kind and generous. She treats people well and handles things well. She is also well liked by everyone. Why not let Aunt Feng take care of this family."

Aunt Feng was flattered. Unlike Aunt Zhao and Aunt Fang, they both had sons, but she didn't even have a daughter. She really didn't expect that Princess Su Xin would let her take care of the family.

Tao Chengyin thought that Aunt Zhao and Aunt Fang were both related to each other, and no one might be able to level a bowl of water if they were put in charge. It was really suitable for Aunt Feng, who was childless but capable and personable, to take charge, so he quickly laughed. Said: "Then let her take care of it."

Although Aunt Zhu and Aunt Fang felt a little regretful that they could not be as lucky as Aunt Feng to take care of the family's backyard, they were convinced that Aunt Feng would take care of it.

Others are convinced too.

No one objected, so Aunt Feng did not refuse and accepted the job of managing the family's backyard.

Also because Tao Mingye disagreed with Tao Chengyin making him his legitimate son, Tao Mingsheng and the others regarded Tao Mingye as family member from the bottom of their hearts.

It was already December, the weather was very cold, An Jing and the others did not leave the palace, they all stayed in the house to keep warm.

"It seems to be much colder this year than last year." It wasn't cold at all in the house, but looking at the strong wind and howling north wind outside, Jing Jing felt like he was shivering from the cold.

Su Changyi nodded, "Mu Chen and Jing'er have sent people to patrol Tianyun. No one will freeze to death, don't worry."

Jing Jing smiled and said, "I haven't had anyone freeze to death in these years, so I feel relieved. Even if it's so cold, I can't go out."

"Where do you want to go?"

"I can't tell, it's just that I feel bored staying in the house all day, and I want to go out for a walk."

"Let's wait until the weather gets warmer. If we go out now, the children will be worried."

"Yeah." She naturally knew this. After all, she and her husband-in-law were both young, so they had to pay special attention to their health. Especially their children, they pay special attention to their health.

. Nine Heavens God Emperor:

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