Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2650 Return to Tianyun 216

"What's going on?" Su Yu was confused. .

Only then did Jing Jing speak more clearly: "You should be planning to get married, but why haven't you made that plan yet? Every time I tell you this, Si Xiu, the kid, always just smiles and passes by, and he shouldn't and won't say anything. No, does this mean there is something going on between you that we don’t know about? "

Su Yuxin hummed: "It doesn't matter what he does, whether he wants to marry or not! Why, do you still want me to be a girl begging him to marry me?"

Jing Jing said quickly: "Grandma didn't mean that. Grandma is worried about conflicts between you."

Su Yu thought: "How he and I were when we were little are still the same when we grow up. They have never changed. How can there be any conflict? Grandma, just leave this matter alone. I don't mean anything to him anyway."

"What do you mean it doesn't mean that?"

"I just don't like him. Actually, I can't say that. I like him quite a lot, but the kind of love that I feel like an elder and an older brother means that I don't really have a relationship with him between a man and a woman."

Jing Jing didn't believe it, "You can't say such angry words just because Si Xiu has never planned to get married. If Si Xiu hears this, he will definitely misunderstand."

Su Yu smiled angrily: "What I said was not angry at all!"

An Jing made it clear that he still didn't believe it.

Su Yuxin could only sit down next to Su Changyi angrily and act coquettishly to Su Changyi, the grandfather: "Grandpa, tell me about grandma, I'm really not being angry. I really don't have feelings for men and women towards Meng Sixiu."

Su Changyi also didn't believe it, so he said calmly: "You have been together with him for so many years. No one who knows you knows that you are a couple. Now you say that it is not a relationship between a man and a woman. Do you think anyone will believe you?" ?”

Su Yu turned away angrily. She knew that no one would believe it.

But she was not sensible when she was a child, and since Meng Sixiu was the same age, the two played together a lot. Later, when she grew up and became sensible, she didn't want to play with Meng Sixiu all the time, but Meng Sixiu always came to her, which caused everyone to She always sees them coming in and out together. It's not like she likes Meng Sixiu at all! real!

"Yuxin, what are you doing?" Jing Jing pulled Su Yuxin's face back in a funny manner. "Don't be angry, your grandpa and I won't talk about you anymore, okay?"

Su Yuxin didn't want to be angry at first, but when she saw that her grandma had stepped down for her, she immediately stopped being angry and said, "Okay!"

Jing Jing smiled helplessly and shook her head, but she put her precious granddaughter into her arms and hugged her.

Su Yuxin also smiled and hugged the grandma affectionately.

When the three of them arrived at the courtyard of Su Xin and Tao Mingye's Tao Mansion, they didn't sit there for long before Su Yuxin excitedly asked Tao Mingye to send someone to call Tao Mingqing to show Jing Jing and Su Changyi.

Tao Mingye did not send anyone immediately, but looked at Jing Jing and Su Changyi.

Su Changyi's face remained expressionless.

But An Jing smiled and said: "This girl told us to take a look at him on the way, so go and call him over. I want to see if he really looks like the golden boy who came down from the sky."

Tao Mingye then sent Rusong to ask Tao Mingqing to come over.

Su Xin smiled and said, "That's what I said at the time. Actually, I was praising my father-in-law's fifth brother for his good looks. Who would have thought that this girl Yu Xin, to this day, always says inappropriately that she and my father-in-law's fifth brother stand together. One piece is a golden child.”

Jing Jing did not blame Su Xin, but smiled and warned, "Don't talk nonsense like that next time."

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