Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2651 Return to Tianyun 217

Su Xin smiled and said: "She remembers it so well. I have long regretted saying that. What if Meng Sixiu hears it?"

Su Yuxin immediately said angrily: "On the road just now, my grandpa and grandma promised me not to talk about mine. Sister, you are not allowed to talk about me and Meng Sixiu anymore, or I will never come to your place again."

"Okay, okay, my sister-in-law won't say anything anymore. I won't say anything anymore. I'll let you guys do whatever you want. My sister-in-law won't care about it, okay?" Su Xin smiled and comforted her in a good voice.

Su Yuxin then smiled and said, "Sure!"

When Tao Mingqing was called, Rusong did not dare to let Tao Mingqing in immediately. He came in first and reported: "Your Majesty and Queen, the fifth young master is here."

Jing Jing said: "Let him come in."

"Yes, Queen." Rusong then dared to let Tao Mingqing, who was waiting outside the door, in.

As soon as Tao Mingqing came in with his head lowered, he quickly knelt down and bowed: "Common people, bow to the king and queen, long live the king, long live the queen, a thousand years, a thousand years, a thousand years."

Jing Jing said: "Raise your head."

Although Tao Mingqing didn't know why, he still raised his head obediently. When he saw Su Yuxin, the eldest princess, was there, his heart suddenly started beating wildly again.

Tao Mingqing is wearing crescent white clothes today. He is dressed like a young man. His facial features look as if they have been carefully carved. He is extremely handsome. In addition, his skin is white and tender, and his temperament is gentlemanly and gentle. He really looks like a living golden boy.

When Jing Jing saw Tao Mingqing's face clearly, he was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Before I met the person, I just thought that Xin'er was talking nonsense, but now that I saw the person, I realized that what you said, Xin'er, was true. "

After a pause, Anjing called out: "Get up."

Only then did Tao Mingqing dare to get up.

Su Yuxin quickly got off the kang next to Anjing, and like last time, stood in front of Tao Mingqing, then smiled at Anjing and Su Changyi and said, "Grandpa, grandma, do you think Xiao Qingqing and I look like a golden boy? "

When Tao Mingqing heard this, he quickly lowered his head, looking extremely respectful and frightened.

Su Changyi frowned slightly when he saw Su Yuxin and Tao Mingqing standing together as if they were made for each other.

Jing Jing was stunned for a moment. She had no idea that the two of them were so close to each other, but when she thought of Meng Sixiu, she pulled Su Yuxin back: "Children, don't talk nonsense."

"Grandma, me"

Su Yuxin was a little dissatisfied, but before she could finish her words, Su Changyi shouted at her: "Yuxin!"

She was so frightened that she quickly shut her mouth and did not dare to say another word.

Although Tao Mingqing lowered his head, he heard the conversation between An Jing and the others. He was not stupid, and he could immediately understand that the king and queen of Tianyun did not want Su Yuxin to say that they were golden boys and girls. Lost, and very low self-esteem.

Anyway, it’s very uncomfortable.

Anjing pulled Su Yuxin and sat back on the kang. Seeing that Su Yuxin was scolded by her husband, Anjing did not dare to say a word. Anjing did not comfort her, but asked Tao Mingqing with a smile: "How old are you?"

Tao Mingqing said: "August 22 will be sixteen."

Jing Jing and Su Changyi were both stunned.

Su Yuxin was so scolded by her grandfather that she dared not speak. When Tao Mingqing said that he would be sixteen on August 22nd, she blurted out in surprise: "Is your birthday also August 22nd? My birthday is too. !”

Tao Mingqing was also stunned.

Su Xin and Tao Mingye were both stunned. They knew that Su Yuxin was older than Tao Mingqing, but they didn't know the specific day of Su Yuxin's birthday, and they never expected that it would be the same as Tao Mingqing.

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