Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2812 Tianyun Chang'an 26

Tao Mingye, Tao Mingsheng, Tao Mingfang sat down. Looking at Tao Mingxiang who also sat down, they didn't know what to say for a moment, but they had mixed feelings in their hearts.

After not seeing her for more than four years, not only did she get married and have a child, she was also living such a bad life.

"Good thing I'm back." Suddenly, Tao Mingsheng said happily.

Everyone understood what Tao Mingsheng meant, and they all had mixed feelings.

Especially Tao Mingxiang, her heart was so complicated that she couldn't even express a complicated sentence.

She originally thought she could live a good life outside, but it was really difficult for her to raise two such young children by herself.

If she hadn't been desperate, to be honest, she really wouldn't have come back.

It can be seen that since she left the letter and left, she actually had no intention of coming back at all.

Everyone was silent again.

In the end, it was Tao Mingfang who grabbed Tao Mingxiang's hand and choked with sobs: "Fourth sister, don't leave when you come back. If you don't go home, it's better for you to stay here with Fifth Brother than to go anywhere else. Look at what you've been through, how thin you've become."

Although Tao Mingxiang still has a pretty face, he is as thin as a bamboo pole. It is really obvious at a glance that he has not lived a good life in these years.

Tao Mingxiang was not afraid of the hardship, but she was afraid that she would not be able to support her two children, so she came back with her two children.

"I'm fine." Tao Mingxiang was a stronger person. Even though she felt extremely sad, she was under control at this time and seemed quite calm.

Tao Mingye is also the eldest brother, so he also spoke at this time: "It's okay for you to stay with your fifth brother, but you can't live without seeing your father and your mother for the rest of your life, right? Dad and your mother are angry, right? I miss you more and more. I think you should meet your father and your mother. They will definitely be more angry if you become a biological child with someone outside, but after they are angry, they will slowly accept it. . When you left home, you were their daughter."

Tao Mingsheng echoed: "Brother is right, Xiang'er, you have to go home. If you don't go home like this and don't see your parents, you and your parents will have to stay like this. But as long as you go home, When my parents are angry again, they will slowly accept you, as well as Wenwen and Wuwu."

Tao Mingqing and Tao Mingfang also agreed that Tao Mingxiang should return to Tao's house to meet Tao Chengyin and Aunt Zhu.

Tao Mingxiang smiled bitterly and said: "I also know that they will accept me when their anger subsides, but I am afraid that before they accept me, I will make them angry to death. You also know that they have always thought that marriage matters are decided by their parents, but I actually If I get married outside and marry a farmer, they will definitely be even more angry than when I left home. "

Tao Mingye said: "In the past few years since you left, your eldest sister-in-law and fifth sister-in-law have made your father and your mother no longer insist on etiquette. Dad and your mother have really changed. If you go home to see them, Don’t worry, they won’t be mad at you.”

Tao Mingsheng also advised me the same way.

Tao Mingxiang was silent for a while and then said: "Those are my parents. Although sometimes my ideas are very different from theirs, in fact, they have never felt sorry for me. They even showed me the kindness to have children. I naturally want them to accept it." Me, but I was really afraid of pissing them off, so I didn’t dare to go back when I returned to the imperial capital. Instead, I came to the princess’s mansion to find my fifth brother.”

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