Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2813 Tianyun Changan 27

After a pause, Tao Mingxiang said, "Wait until after the Chinese New Year. I don't want them to have a bad Chinese New Year because of anger. I will go back to see them after the Chinese New Year. They can beat or scold me as they please. It's okay even if they don't recognize me as their daughter. I do this just to tell them that no matter where I am or how I live, they are my parents who gave birth to me."

Tao Mingqing was very happy when he heard that Tao Mingxiang was willing to go home to see Tao Chengyin and Aunt Zhu.

Tao Mingye smiled and said, "Then wait until after the Chinese New Year. But you can't go home for the Chinese New Year now. The fifth brother and his family have to go back to the Tao family every year for the Chinese New Year. It will be a bit lonely for you to spend the Chinese New Year in the princess's mansion."

Tao Mingxiang smiled and said, "I still have Wenwen and Wuwu to accompany me, so it won't be lonely."

Since she had Wenwen and Wuwu, she had no other thoughts. She wanted to raise these two children. These two children would be her support in the future and her motivation now.

On New Year's Eve, Tao Mingqing, Su Yuxin, and Aunt Fang took Xiao Ying'er back to Tao Mansion to celebrate the New Year early in the morning. But before leaving, Tao Mingqing and Su Yuxin told the people in the Princess Mansion to serve Tao Mingxiang and Wenwen and Wuwu well.

Especially the New Year's Eve dinner, it must be prepared in full and sent to Tao Mingxiang and others.

Tao Mingxiang originally planned to cook the New Year's Eve dinner by herself. She didn't know how to cook, but she learned to cook after being outside for these years. However, because Tao Mingqing and Su Yuxin had instructed the kitchen of the Princess Mansion to cook for her and the children in advance, Tao Mingxiang didn't have to cook.

When eating the New Year's Eve dinner, although it was only Tao Mingxiang and the two children, because the two children were very lively, it was really not lonely at all, but quite lively.

While eating the New Year's Eve dinner, Wenwen suddenly said: "Mom, my brother and I are almost three and a half years old, but you let us tell others that we are only three years old?"

Tao Mingxiang was startled.

Fortunately, there were only her and the two children in the room.

Tao Mingxiang was greatly relieved and said, "Didn't I tell you before? Don't talk about your age anymore. Just pretend you are only three years old."

Wenwen said, "But I don't understand!"

Wuwu also said, "Wuwu doesn't understand either!"

Tao Mingxiang could only coax them, "Wenwen and Wuwu, be good. There is a reason why I do this. You should all listen to me. Don't tell anyone how serious your situation is, otherwise I will die."

She also threatened them.

Wenwen and Huhu were immediately frightened when they heard it, and hurriedly said, "Then we will never talk about this again. Don't die, mother!"

As they said that, the two climbed down from the stool and hugged her.

The two were small, and Tao Mingxiang had been hugging one of them. She felt particularly uncomfortable, but she smiled and said, "As long as you don't say anything, Mom will be fine, and she won't die. Okay, eat quickly. Today is the New Year. This is the New Year's Eve dinner. We must eat well and pray for a good omen. I hope that next year, the three of us will be smooth sailing." Wenwen and Wuwu climbed back on their stools and ate the New Year's Eve dinner happily. Tao Mingxiang felt even more uncomfortable watching the two children eating so happily. If she had agreed to marry him at the beginning, how could her two children have suffered so much with her. On the second day of the first lunar month, Su Yuxin and Tao Mingqing took Xiao Ying'er directly from Tao Mansion back to the palace to pay New Year's greetings.

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