Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 816 New home

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"Yes." The lieutenant responded respectfully immediately. Then, take the two teams of soldiers back to the Imperial Capital.

Seeing that the lieutenant was leading people away, Jing Jing smiled again and asked, "You Bao and Wuyu, are you going back as well? Or do you want to visit me and your teacher's new home?"

Li Wuyu immediately smiled and said, "Of course I went to see Master and Master's new home, we haven't seen it yet."

"Let's go then."

Jingjing and Xiao Changyi's new home is six miles away from the imperial capital. There is only one family of theirs, with eight scattered houses, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful mountains and rivers, especially now in this spring, the scenery is particularly pleasant, it's really like a paradise. , Wonderland on earth, beautiful.

An Jing was very satisfied with this place, and immediately praised Meng Zhuqing: "You chose this location very well."

She especially likes it.

Meng Zhuqing said truthfully: "The location is selected according to the request of the father and the wife, only this place is suitable."

Li Wuyu said: "Master, the beauty here is beautiful, but don't you think this place is too remote? It's very unsafe."

Quietly smiled and said, "Are you and your master a fuel-efficient lamp? Besides, Meng Zhuqing will often wander around here, and nothing will happen."

Meng Lanqing hesitated, but still said, "Madam, let your subordinates also patrol the area every day."

Quietly shook his head and said, "No, you continue to work on the rice shop."

Speaking of this, An Jing will not talk about the rice shop, she believes that Meng Lanqing can understand.

They want to spread the rice all over the West Cloud Country, and this matter is also very important.

Meng Lanqing really understood, they had talked before, and when Jing Jing said that, he no longer asked to say anything and also came to inspect the neighborhood.

"Jingjing, what are you doing with so many rice shops in your house?" Gong Juechen asked suddenly with a half-smile.

Jing Jing felt a thud in his heart, but his face did not show, and he said in an angry voice, "Make money."

"Are you short of money?" Gong Juechen's peach blossom eyes were full of deep meaning, with a look that you don't want to lie.

Quietly snorted: "Who thinks that there is too much money? You were so rich before you had a treasure, but you are still trying to make money."

Gong Juechen knew that Jing Jing was lying, but he didn't hold on to it anymore, but laughed and went to tease An Yiqing, who made An Yiqing's mouth wide open, giggled, and followed a Maitreya Buddha.

Seeing that Gong Juechen didn't hold on to this matter, Quiet breathed a sigh of relief, and then went to unload the things on the carriage.

Xiao Changyi was already unloading things. Really a lot of stuff, both on the wagon and right away. They will live here for many years in the future, and they will bring almost everything they can bring.

Wang Youbao and the others also helped to unload.

After all the things were unloaded and placed in the house, Wang Youbao and Li Wuyu returned to the imperial capital.

"You have nothing to do here, you can go too." An Jing said to Meng Zhuqing and Meng Lanqing.


When Meng Zhuqing and Meng Lanqing left, they also took Gong Juise and Gong Juechen with them.

Gong Juechen didn't want to leave at first, he wanted to live with An Jing and Xiao Changyi, saying that there were vacancies in An Jing and Xiao Changyi, but neither An Jing nor Xiao Changyi agreed. In the end, Gong Juechen could only follow Meng Zhuqing and the others.

Meng Zhuqing and Meng Lanqing are returning to the General's Mansion.

Since they were slaves to Xiao Changyi, they seldom returned to the general's mansion. They all followed Xiao Changyi. Now, they have returned to the imperial capital, and their father does not let them live with them, so they can only enter the imperial capital. live.

Knowing that her husband turned out to be a general, Gong Juesei turned around and showed off to her brother: "Brother, I married a general, isn't it amazing?"

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