Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 817 I have no time...

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Gong Juechen felt sad in his heart, but his face was quite supportive, "Well, amazing."

Meng Zhuqing and Meng Lanqing also have an old lady in their family, that is, Mrs. Meng.

When Madam Meng saw Meng Zhuqing and Meng Lanqing coming back, she immediately burst into tears of joy.

When she learned that Meng Lanqing had actually married a wife, Mrs. Meng first glanced at Gong Jue Se, and then she lowered her voice and asked Meng Lanqing: "Lan Qing, Prince Yi has allowed you to marry? You can't make your own decisions. Prince Yi rescued, why did your father make you slaves to Prince Yi, can you not know? You must not do anything against Prince Yi's orders, you must be loyal to him, and obey him in everything, do you know? "

Meng Lanqing quickly reassured: "Mother, don't worry, if it wasn't for the acquiescence of my father and my wife, I would never have married a wife."

Madam Meng was relieved at this moment, and quickly wrapped a red envelope for Gong Jue Se.

Gong Juechen listened to Mrs. Meng's words just now, her face was not obvious, but she knew it in her heart. No wonder Meng Lanqing and Meng Zhuqing were so loyal to Xiao Changyi, so they were.

"Mother, this is the stunning elder brother Gong Juechen." Meng Lanqing introduced.

At first, Mrs. Meng saw her two sons coming home, and she went there happily, without noticing Gong Juechen; later, Meng Lanqing introduced Gong Juise to her, so that she did not notice Gong Juechen for a while; Now that she noticed Gong Juechen, she immediately exclaimed: "Han"

After saying a word, she stopped immediately.


Gong Juechen sneered in his heart, but frowned with a frown on his face: "Why is the old lady so surprised to see me? Could it be that the old lady has seen me before?"

Madam Meng calmed down before shaking her head and said, "I've never seen you before, and this is the first time I've seen you. I just think you seem to be familiar, probably because of your good face."

Saying so, Madam Meng thought and sighed in her heart: She really looks like Concubine Han.

If Concubine Han's sons and daughters hadn't died, they would probably be as big as the siblings in front of them.

Before Gong Juechen could speak, Gong Juose laughed and said, "My brother has a good face? Haha, mother, don't be deceived by his good face. Although he is a doctor, he is not good at all. Many people ask for help. He didn't save him and let him die, only those who are good-looking can save him."

Mrs. Meng: ""

Gong Juechen also said: "She is right, I am indeed a bad person who is not good enough to not save, old lady, I am really bad. It's just good looking, tsk tsk"

Mrs. Meng: ""

Meng Lanqing hurriedly said: "Mother, Sese and her brother used to live in the mountains. They don't know any rules, and they don't have much education. Don't mind."

Meng Zhuqing added coldly: "Even if you mind them, they won't change."

Mrs. Meng: ""

Meng Lanqing: ""

Madam Meng tried her best to calm herself down before she coughed and changed the subject: "Zhuqing, your brother has already married, so should you marry too? My mother didn't dare to mention this to you before, for fear that Prince Yi would not Agreed, now that both the Prince Yi and the princess have allowed you to marry, your marriage should be done too. Mom will go to find a suitable girl tomorrow. If you like it, you can marry it. ?"

When he heard that he should marry, Meng Zhuqing's mind flashed Yanyao's cold face, and he knew that he might not see Yanyao again in the future, but Meng Zhuqing was just when Mrs. Meng's voice fell, He immediately rejected: "Mother, don't bother, I don't have the time to mess with that, and I don't have the time."

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