Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 920 You Can't Let Him Down

At first everyone thought that Su Chengyu wanted to use Wang Youbao again, otherwise it would have been impossible for Wang Youbao to be sent to the household department to study, but when Su Chengyu strongly recommended Wang Youbao to be the salt transport envoy in the southern mirage, everyone was taken aback.

Reuse is reuse, but they never expected that Su Chengyu would use Wang Youbao so much.

It was as if Wang Youbao was his confidant.

Even Prime Minister Li was taken aback. He also didn't expect Su Chengyu to use Wang Youbao so much.

There are so many people in the hall, there are always people who object to Wang Youbao being the salt envoy, saying that Wang Youbao's experience is still inexperienced, and worrying that Wang Youbao will not be qualified for the job of the salt envoy, but Emperor Xiyun followed Su Chengyu's wishes, regardless of any objections. With a voice, a merchant was exceptionally promoted as a salt transport envoy.

When Wang Youbao became an official, he automatically left the ranks of merchants and honored his ancestors.

The people who laughed at Li Wuyu for marrying a merchant at the beginning, when they learned that Wang Youbao became a salt transport envoy, their faces were all very exciting.

"Youbao, you have earned back all the shame Wuyu gave me." Prime Minister Li smiled. The more he looked at it now, the more satisfied he was with Wang Youbao, the son-in-law.

His son-in-law is not only filial, but also capable. He had asked His Highness the Crown Prince, and His Highness the Crown Prince told him that he did not want Wang Youbao to be the salt transport envoy, but Wang Youbao performed too well during his studies in the Ministry of Household Affairs, so His Highness the Crown Prince directly asked Wang Youbao to be the third-rank salt envoy. Transported.

Being an official is such an important position, his son-in-law really has a limitless future.

Now, no one in the imperial capital would envy him.

"Father-in-law, don't say that, Wuyu has a true temperament, and she wants to do whatever she wants."

Prime Minister Li was very happy to see Wang Youbao protecting his daughter so much.

Wang Youbao frowned, and said worriedly: "Father-in-law, my son-in-law has gone to Nanyan, Wuyu will go with my son-in-law, and I won't be able to come back for at least three years. Father-in-law, you are in the imperial capital alone. Take care of yourself."

When serving as an official in a place, the term of office is usually three years and occasionally five years. For example, Jing Jing, Princess Yi, can leave at any time regardless of the term of office.

Prime Minister Li was very pleased with Wang Youbao's filial piety, nodded and smiled and said: "You don't have to miss me, just go to Nanyan, and take this salt transportation as a good one, His Royal Highness is so important to you, you can't let him down."

"Yes, father-in-law."

"Also," Prime Minister Li said again. "You are leaving for Nanyan in two days. Before you go to Nanyan, go and say goodbye to your master and father. Part of the reason why you can become a salt transport envoy should be that His Royal Highness sees you and Prince Yi in peace. Regarding the relationship between Princess Yi and Princess Yi."

Then, on the second day, Wang Youbao and Li Wuyu came to Prince Yi's mansion to bid farewell to An Jing and Xiao Changyi.

Jing Jing warned: "You are an important position, and you are also a fat job. Many people are staring at you. It is dangerous to go to Nanyan. You should pay more attention to your own safety."

"Thank you Master for your concern, we will."

Thinking that Wang Youbao and Li Wuyu would be transferred back to the Imperial Capital for at least three years, Jing Jing couldn't help but told him: "If there is anything that can't be solved, you can write to me and your master to know, and my teacher and I If Dad can help you solve it, he will definitely help you."

Li Wuyu and Wang Youbao were very moved and thanked: "Thank you, Master, thank you, Master."

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