Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 921 I Should Be The One Lying There

"I drew these according to the sets of swordsmanship drawn by your master some time ago. Here it is for you. If you are free, practice it. It will be beneficial." An Jing gave the book in her hand to Li Wuyu.

It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. Instead of letting others protect yourself, it is better to be high-skilled and protect yourself.

Li Wuyu and Wang Youbao looked at each other first, then knelt together in front of An Jing and Xiao Changyi, and bowed to An Jing and Xiao Changyi very solemnly: "Thank you, Master, thank you, Master. We will not be able to see Master and Master again for several years. I hope master and father take care of your health."

Jing Jing doesn't like this kind of parting scene, it will make her feel sad.

Fortunately, she didn't feel sentimental for long, and was notified by the people of General Meng's residence that Gong Juese gave birth to a big fat boy.

The birth of a child is a happy event. Seeing that nothing happened at home, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi took the four little ones to the General's Mansion to rejoice.

Gong Juese doesn't understand etiquette at all, she dares to say anything, and sometimes she can blush with embarrassment. Mrs. Meng is not very happy with Gong Juese, but because Gong Juese has already married Meng Lanqing, she doesn't accept it. I can only accept it.

She didn't want her son to be caught in the middle.

But now, seeing that Gong Juese gave birth to her a big fat grandson, Gong Juese's status in Mrs. Meng's heart instantly soared.

Mrs. Meng has always been looking forward to hugging her grandson, and now, she finally does.

"It would be even better if Zhuqing woke up today. It would be a double happiness for our family." Mrs. Meng happily hugged her big fat grandson who was just born, hugging and hugging was full of joy Said it sadly again.

Hearing it quietly, he could only sigh in his heart. She had just heard from Gong Juechen that Meng Zhuqing hadn't woken up yet, and might never wake up.

After enjoying the happiness from the General's Mansion, An Jing and Xiao Changyi returned to Prince Yi's Mansion.

When he was about to go back to the room, he saw Tuoba Yao standing on the arch bridge not far away, looking at the scenery of the lake.

"Sir, you play with the children, I'll talk to Yan Yao."


Hearing Xiao Changyi's response, Jing Jing walked towards Tuoba Yao.

This Prince Yi's mansion is very large, with water pavilions, terraces, rockery and strange stones, etc. If it is not for a good sense of direction, An Jing will definitely get lost in it.

"Jue Se gave birth to a baby, why don't you go and see?" An Jing asked Tuoba Yao as soon as she walked to Tuoba Yao's side.

Tuoba Yao was originally looking at the sparkling water on the lake quietly, when she heard An Jing asked her, she didn't turn her head to look at An Jing, but said indifferently: "It has nothing to do with Yan Yao, it's better not to look at it."

Jing Jing looked at Tuoba Yao's beautiful and suffocating profile, and after a while, she said again in a low voice: "He hasn't woken up yet."

"Yan Yao knows."

"I heard from the guards in the mansion that you go out every night and come back around dawn?"


"What did you go out for?" Without waiting for Tuoba Yao to answer, Jing Jing asked again: "Will you go see him?"


"and you"

"Princess, don't think too much. Yanyao is just grateful to Deputy General Meng. It should be Yanyao who was lying there unconscious."

Jingjing didn't say that Meng Zhuqing liked Tuobayao, nor guessed whether what Tuobayao said was true or not, she just sighed lightly.

Meng Zhuqing was still awake, no matter how much she said, it would be in vain.

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