Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 939 You Control Me?

After eating the egg-filled biscuits, Jing Jing's lunch was settled.

Tuoba Yao didn't stay long, and left after eating.

Jing Jing was too lazy to listen to Meng Zhuqing's report on recent events in the mansion, but took the four children to the inner room to rest, planning to take a good nap.

Xiao Changyi went to the study.

Meng Zhuqing hurriedly followed to the study, and reported to Xiao Changyi what happened in the mansion recently.

In fact, nothing major has happened in Prince Yi's mansion recently, that is, those who appear to be guards but are actually dead soldiers are not very cooperative and are managed by Meng Zhuqing.

Those dead men only recognize their master as their master.

"Master, look at this..." For those dead men, Meng Zhuqing really had a headache and didn't know what to do, so he could only ask their masters.

Xiao Changyi also expected this to happen, so he said lightly: "Tell them that if they still want to follow me and serve as errands in my palace, they have to obey your arrangement."


After hearing Meng Zhuqing's report, Xiao Changyi went to the inner room to take a nap with his wife and children.

As soon as Meng Zhuqing finished his report, he left the main courtyard.

After talking to the dead men in Prince Yi's mansion about what their father said just now, Meng Zhuqing was about to leave the mansion to do something, but before he left the mansion, he ran into Tuoba Yao who was also planning to leave the mansion.

Meng Zhuqing walked towards the gate from the corridor on this side, while Tuoba Yao walked towards the gate from the corridor on the other side, the two met just a few steps away from the gate.

Neither of the two thought that they would run into each other so soon, even though they had met each other just now.

"Princess." Meng Zhuqing respectfully bowed to Tuoba Yao as she did every time she met her.

Tuoba Yao didn't say anything, and after a natural glance at Meng Zhuqing, she continued to walk forward.


For some reason, Meng Zhuqing suddenly called her urgently.

Tuoba Yao stopped in her tracks without turning her head, and asked calmly, "What's the matter?"

Meng Zhuqing came out from behind her, bowed to her respectfully, and said: "It's not safe for the Princess to go out alone, it's better to bring two guards by her side."

Tuoba Yao stared at him, "You care about me?"

"The last general dare not!" Meng Zhuqing said immediately. Head lowered even lower. Extremely deferential. "It's just that the general is responsible for the safety of this mansion. The princess is living in this mansion now. I hope the princess should pay attention to her own safety."

"Oh," Tuoba Yao replied lightly, with a vague sense of realization in his tone, "It turns out that I was afraid that something happened to the princess would cause you trouble."

Meng Zhuqing's heart twitched violently, excruciating pain, but he didn't open his mouth to argue, it could be said to be tacit consent.

For Meng Zhuqing's acquiescence, Tuoba Yao was heartbroken. She wanted him to treat her like this, but when he really treated her like this, she still couldn't bear it.

She tried her best to ease the pain in her heart, but Tuoba Yao didn't show any inner emotions on her face, she just sneered and said: "Vice General Meng, you can relax, as long as the princess doesn't have something happened in Prince Yi's mansion, she will be fine." It won't implicate you. You are in charge of the safety of Prince Yi's mansion, and you don't have to worry about things outside the mansion, Deputy General Meng."

After finishing speaking, Tuoba Yao continued to move forward.

In fact, she knew in her heart that he was doing it for her own good.

He is a nice guy.

He will take pity on the fragrance and cherish the jade.

Seeing that it was not safe for her to go out alone, he kindly suggested that she bring two guards by her side to protect her.

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