
Since she decided not to let him know her mind, she would naturally keep a distance from him.

She is not clean, she is not worthy of such a good him.

For such a good him, if he knew that she liked him, he must be very troubled.

Maybe he will be with her out of sympathy for her being an orphan, fulfilling her wishes.

And her, don't sympathize.

I don't want to embarrass him either. Even if he is willing to marry her, his mother is not willing.

It's still better.

It seems strange, but she is very satisfied to be able to say a few words now and then, and see each other from time to time.

that is

heart hurts badly

Once out of Prince Yi's mansion, Tuoba Yao walked to the left.

The steps were not fast, and she walked slowly to the left step by step, looking straight ahead, but her eyes were a little empty.

It wasn't until a little far away from Prince Yi's mansion that Tuoba Yao turned around and entered an alley.

The alley was very long, very narrow, and very quiet, and there was no one in it, but as soon as Tuoba Yao entered, he leaned against the wall of the alley, with one hand tightly clutching his heart and the other tightly covering his mouth, his beautiful eyes flashed rapidly. Red, heartbroken and unable to breathe.

As long as I am in pain, you deserve better.

On the other side, when Meng Zhuqing saw Tuobayao leaving, he wanted to send two guards to follow him, but he thought that this might arouse Tuobayao's resentment and loathing. She was so stiff, thinking this way, Meng Zhuqing didn't send guards to follow to protect Tuoba Yao.


Meng Zhuqing sighed heavily in her heart. Helpless and worried.

For her, it is estimated that he will not be able to rest assured in his life.

Not wanting to be seen as something wrong, Meng Zhuqing didn't stay any longer, once Tuoba Yao left, he also left Prince Yi's mansion.

No matter what, he still has to do what he should do.

After a good night's sleep, they didn't get up when they were quiet, and they were still lying on the bed.

The four children were originally lying on their backs with their eyes open, but after waking up, they rolled over and lay next to Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi, talking to Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi with smiles.

Seeing the four little guys talking to them, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi simply lay on their sides and looked at the four little guys.

The family of six was frolicking on the bed.

"Yun'er, come on, recite Jing Ye Si for father, mother, and brothers." Jing Jing sat up abruptly, hugged little An Yiyun into her arms, and asked An Yiyun to recite poems with a smile.

Among the four little ones, her youngest son had the best memory. It didn't take long for her to teach Jing Yesi, and her youngest son remembered it. But the other three children took a long time to recite it.

The four children can also recite such a poem.

"What is Jing Yesi?" An Yiyun looked at An Jing with blank eyes, as if he didn't know what An Jing said.

An Yiqing immediately raised a small hand, smiled at An Jing and said, "Qing'er knows! It's the one with the bright moonlight in front of the bed!"

"Oh, our Qing'er is really smart." An Jing first praised An Yiqing, and then said to An Yiyun: "Yun'er, as your third brother said, the one with the bright moonlight in front of the bed, the next three sentences, you Remember?"


"Then you recite it to your father, mother, and brothers."

An Yiyun recited word by word in a childlike voice: "bed, front, bright, moon, light, doubt, yes, ground, up, frost lift, head, hope, bright, moon, low, head , thinking, hometown, hometown."

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