Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 941 Recognition

"Our Yun'er is really smart." After a pause, he suggested quietly: "How about the four of you recite this poem to your father and mother together?"

"Okay!" The four little guys nodded their heads.

Immediately, without Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi urging them, they began to recite together: "Before the bed"

The voice is still a little milk voice, and the poems are recited quite neatly. The four little guys are reciting it very seriously, and they all look like you must praise me after we recite it. An Jing and Xiao Changyi looked at it, and felt It's funny, and my heart softens again.

As soon as the recitation was finished, the four children all looked at them, with obvious meanings: Father, mother, praise us quickly!

An Jing immediately satisfied them and praised them verbally: "Yeah, my kids are smart, they can recite poems at such a young age."

Xiao Changyi's cold eyes were full of warmth and tenderness, he didn't say anything, but he raised his hand and touched the heads of the four little guys respectively.

Being praised by mother and patted by father, the four little guys were extremely happy, crawling to Jingjing, and then to Xiao Changyi, back and forth, the atmosphere was not to mention how joyful it was.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi were also very happy to see the children like this.

"Sanggong, shouldn't we teach Jing'er and the others to recognize some characters? There is no harm in recognizing some simple characters, right?" Suddenly, Jing Jing said. "Anyway, they play every day, so it's good to know some words."

Xiao Changyi nodded: "Yes."

"Let's teach them to recognize a little bit first, as for the rest, we will ask the master to come to the house to teach them when the time comes."


"When the children are four years old, we invite our wife to our house. Originally, I planned to send them to school, but at the age of four, I think it is a bit too old to send them to school when the children are six years old. rest assured."


"The children are only two years old and four months old now, and there will be more than a year until they are four years old. In this one year, even if we can't teach many things, it is still possible to teach them a few simple words. "


"Here are all traditional Chinese characters, and there is no pinyin, so it's really difficult to learn." As he spoke, he began to think quietly.

There are no pinyin letters here, and the phonetic notation of the characters is done by straight phonetic or fanqie method, and these two phonetic notation methods are inconvenient to use.

Fortunately, the pronunciation of the characters here is similar to Mandarin

Thinking of this, An Jing said with bright eyes: "Msister, how about I use pinyin for all the words here? Wouldn't it be much easier for our children to learn?"


"Well. Let's treat it as a symbol, and use some symbols to phoneticize the word. For example, Ah, use this symbol to phoneticize, the first sound." When saying this, An Jing took Xiao Changyi's hand, and in Xiao Changyi I wrote it in my palm.

In fact, An Jing wanted to say letters, but there were no letters here. She was afraid that Xiao Changyi would not understand, so she didn't say letters, but symbols.

Xiao Changyi felt the symbol An Jing drew on his palm, but did not respond.

Jing Jing continued: "Pinyin is made up of 26 symbols, and different combinations of these symbols give different pronunciations, such as Ba, which can be represented by these two symbols."

With that said, An Jing wrote two letters b in Xiao Changyi's palm. Immediately, she added: "Also the first time."

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