Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 943 Don't dare to make mistakes

"I also asked her some things at the time," Jing Jing continued, "I think her answers are completely well-read, and it shouldn't be difficult for her to annotate the words."


"If she is willing, including her, we have found thirty-one people."


That night, An Jing took a lantern to ask Tuoba Yao, and Tuoba Yao readily agreed.

On the second day, An Jing began to phoneticize the characters.

Xiao Changyi also helped to make an injection.

On the third day, Meng Zhuqing found thirty gentlemen to enter Prince Yi's residence.

An Jing and Xiao Changyi had discussed it, and set aside a large courtyard alone to get a dictionary. As soon as the thirty gentlemen entered Prince Yi's mansion, they were taken to that large courtyard by Meng Zhuqing.

Because of Xiao Changyi's and An Jing's identities, the thirty gentlemen were all respectful and fearful, and they didn't dare to make any mistakes.

Tuoba Yao also came to this big courtyard.

Tuobayao has no one to talk to, and has nothing to do. Usually, she is really free, and she is always alone. Now Jing Jing asks her to help, she can do something, she is really very happy. Even though her face is still clear and cold.

When Tuoba Yao entered the courtyard, he happened to meet Meng Zhuqing leaving the courtyard, and the two met just like that, Tuoba Yao didn't say anything, didn't show any expression, and continued to walk forward and entered the courtyard.

As for Meng Zhuqing, she hurriedly stepped aside respectfully.

He didn't leave the courtyard until Tuoba Yao entered the courtyard.

It is said to be a dictionary, but it is not as complicated as modern dictionaries. An Jing just fiddled with it briefly, the most important thing is the phonetic notation, and then a few simple meanings follow.

But even so, it took more than two months of silence.

Jingjing finished the dictionary on December 21, and during the dictionary work, Jingjing taught her four children to sing the 26 alphabet songs of pinyin.

On the second day after finishing the dictionary, An Jing and Xiao Changyi went to the palace to look for Emperor Xiyun. They not only brought their four children, but also the dictionary.

There are more than one hundred dictionaries, and the content of each is not repeated. It is really impossible to write one book.

This is handwritten, not printed, and it's normal that it won't fit in one book.

And each one is quite thick.

But An Jing and Xiao Changyi only brought one copy into the palace for Emperor Xiyun to read, and one book can tell the general idea, and there is really no need to bring more than a hundred copies.

And as soon as she saw Emperor Xiyun, Jing Jing asked the four children to sing the alphabet song together.

The four children sang to Emperor Xiyun obediently: "Ah, Bo, Female, De, Goose, Fu, Brother"

In fact, it is, b,,,,,

But because of the babyish voices of the four children, all of these have changed a bit.

Emperor Xiyun was confused and didn't know what the four children were singing.

After the four little guys had finished singing, An Jing showed the dictionary to Emperor Xiyun, and pointed to the letters on the dictionary and said, "Father, these symbols are the sounds I annotated for the characters. This character reads"

An Jing carefully explained it to Emperor Xiyun. Emperor Xiyun was confused at first, and then his old eyes became brighter and brighter.

After listening to An Jing's explanation, Emperor Xiyun praised An Jing fiercely, and said that this must be promoted, so that it will be much more convenient for everyone to learn characters in the future.

"Father, to promote this, people must first know how to spell these symbols. It's almost Chinese New Year, so let's talk about it next year. Next year, you will let a few gentlemen learn these symbols from me, and then let those gentlemen read them again." Go on preaching." An Jing said.

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