Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 944 He's Too Useless!

"Very good!" Emperor Xiyun was both satisfied and happy.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi came back after having lunch in the palace, and when they returned to Prince Yi's mansion, they saw Gong Juechen coming out of Prince Yi's mansion with his head drooping.

"You" didn't know what to say anymore.

Ever since Tuoba Yao moved into Prince Yi's mansion, Gong Juechen would come to Prince Yi's mansion almost every day, trying every means to pester Tuoba Yao.

But Tuobayao lived in her own home, and she didn't want Tuobayao to be harassed at her home, so An Jing ordered the guards in the mansion to prevent Gong Juechen from approaching the courtyard where Tuobayao lived.

Therefore, every time Gong Juechen came to Prince Yi's mansion, he couldn't see Tuobayao, so naturally he couldn't harass Tuobayao.

"Quiet, I saw Yaoyao just now." Gong Juechen was very resentful and depressed.

Fearing that Gong Juechen would say something that would damage Tuoba Yao's reputation, Jing Jing hurriedly let Gong Juechen go in with them, and did not let Gong Juechen continue talking until there were no outsiders.

However, before Ren Gong Juechen continued to speak, he was puzzled quietly: "You don't know martial arts, then how did you beat the guards in my mansion and meet Yan Yao?"

"I don't know martial arts. Of course I can't beat the guards in your mansion. However, I didn't do anything. I never entered the courtyard where Yaoyao lives. I haven't even gone to find Yaoyao yet, it's in your mansion I met Yaoyao in the walking corridor in front."

"I see." An Jing understood.

Gong Juechen continued: "As soon as I met Yaoyao, I wanted to talk to Yaoyao, but Yaoyao was very ruthless and straightforward and told me first: If I pester her again, she will report to the emperor. Not only do I have something to do, but maybe my sister will be hurt too. Why is Yaoyao like this? I haven’t been able to see her before. It’s hard to meet her today. She threatens me like this. It really hurts me. heart."

An Jing didn't even bother to listen to Gong Juechen's fake crying, but said in a bad mood: "You are always pestering others shamelessly, everyone bothers you! What's more, he is still a princess!"

After a pause, he quietly said again: "If the emperor finds out about you pestering others, you will definitely be convicted and beheaded!"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I really like Yaoyao, but Yaoyao doesn't like me, even now Yaoyao is killing me, I'm really sad. Yaoyao also said At the beginning, when she woke up, she didn't kill me with a sword because of my life-saving grace to her, and my life-saving grace to her was repaid the moment I touched her body. She and I are now The two don't owe each other, but if I continue to entangle, she will report to the emperor."

At this moment, An Jing was very fortunate that she did not tell Gong Juechen about this at the gate. It's okay if Gong Juechen doesn't say anything, but if he says it, it will probably ruin Tuoba Yao's reputation.

"Originally, I planned to fulfill Yaoyao and Zhuzhu if they had an affair, but after I have been following Zhuzhu for so long, they seem to have no affair, woohoo" Gong Juechen pretended to cry twice again , "Yaoyao looks so good-looking, I don't care if I can't get it, but even Zhuzhu can't get it."

While talking, Gong Juechen still scolded: "Obviously it can keep the fat and water from flowing into other people's fields, but Zhuzhu is too useless! It's like how good my sister is, so I took Lan Lan directly at that time!"

Jing Jing was even more angry: "Gong Juechen, I beg you to do me a favor, okay?!"

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