Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 947 You Are Not Him...

Seeing that Tuobayao didn't wear much, Meng Zhuqing didn't have time to notice how beautiful Tuobayao was at the moment, because she was afraid that Tuobayao would get sick from the cold. Instead, she hurried into the courtyard where Tuobayao lived, and took out a white mink cloak. Put it on Tuoba Yao.

Tuoba Yao was overwhelmed with alcohol, and her head was a little unclear, but Ren Meng Zhuqing tied her cloak.

After fastening the cloak on Tuobayao, Meng Zhuqing was still a little worried, afraid that Tuobayao would catch the cold, so he respectfully said: "Princess, it's too cold today, you'd better go back to the house."

Tuoba Yao was lying on the table, pouring wine into the wine cup with the flagon in one hand, because she was drunk, her hands were unsteady, and the wine could not be poured into the wine cup accurately.

Drunk eyes squinted at Meng Zhuqing hazily, and asked angrily: "Who are you, how dare you control the princess?"

I don't even recognize him, it seems that he is really drunk.

After Meng Zhuqing sighed a little, he respectfully replied: "Meng Zhuqing, the last general, I dare not control the princess, but it's too late at night, it's not safe for the princess to be alone in this courtyard, so I'd better go back to the house Better."

"Meng Zhuqing, Meng Zhuqing..." Tuobayao didn't listen to what Meng Zhuqing said later, but when Meng Zhuqing said that he was Meng Zhuqing, she murmured in a low voice, murmured Meng Zhuqing's name, and kept murmuring, "Meng Zhuqing, Meng Zhuqing"

Meng Zhuqing's heart skipped a beat. She had never murmured his name like this before, as if his name was very important to her.

"Bold!" Tuoba Yao burst into anger, slapped the table with one hand, got up with difficulty, and pointed at him angrily with the other, "How dare you lie to the princess! You are not Meng Zhuqing! You are not him!"

Meng Zhuqing: ""

If he is not Meng Zhuqing, then who is he?

"Princess, the last general is Meng Zhuqing." Meng Zhuqing replied in a good voice. But when he answered those words, he felt a little helpless. Explaining this to a drunk makes him feel a little silly right now.

"You're not him!" Tuoba Yao still insisted, not believing that he was Meng Zhuqing. "Meng Zhuqing doesn't have a mask, but you have one. You are not him, not him." The more she said, the softer her voice became.

Finally, barely audible.

Meng Zhuqing, silent. He didn't want to wear a mask himself, but his current face would scare people, and he didn't want her to see it either.

"It's not you, it's not." Tuoba Yao murmured in an almost inaudible voice, while staggering back to the round stone bench, lying on the table, picked up the wine cup, and started drinking again.

Meng Zhuqing knew that today was the anniversary of the death of Tuoba Yao's father and the five clans. Seeing that Tuoba Yao started drinking again, he knew that she must be in a bad mood today.

Seeing her like this made him feel very uncomfortable.


"Princess, you can't drink any more." Meng Zhuqing still couldn't help persuading her.

Tuoba Yao opened his mouth and yelled at him: "You are not him, why do you care about me!"

Meng Zhuqing was stunned.

What does she mean?

As long as he is Meng Zhuqing, can he care what she wants?

Thinking of this, Meng Zhuqing couldn't help being amused by his own thought. He actually believed what a drunk said. He is really stupid.

"What are you laughing at?" Tuoba Yao caught a glimpse of Meng Zhuqing laughing while drinking, her pretty eyebrows immediately frowned, she tilted her head slightly, and asked him drunkenly.

Before Meng Zhuqing could reply, Tuobayao continued to drink herself again, still mumbled: "Why isn't the princess drunk yet?"

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