Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 948 A Little Familiar

Why are you still not drunk?

Meng Zhuqing only thought it was funny. No drunk would admit to being drunk, and neither was this one.

"When you're drunk, you can see your father and king, your eldest brother, your second brother and your cousin"

As soon as Tuoba Yao's drunken words uttered, Meng Zhuqing's heart ached immediately. He loves her.

"They're all together and I'm alone"

"Princess" Meng Zhuqing was so distressed that she was dying, but she didn't know how to comfort the person in front of her.

Hearing the sound, Tuoba Yao tilted her head drunkenly to look at Meng Zhuqing, and couldn't see Meng Zhuqing clearly anymore. She tried her best to gather her composure, but she still couldn't see clearly, but this didn't prevent her from asking in a drunken voice, "Why haven't you Walk?"

Meng Zhuqing sighed and said: "Princess, you should go inside, it's still late at night even if it's cold."

Before he finished speaking, Tuoba Yao became impatient, and got angry at him in a drunken voice: "They say you are not him, you can't control me, get out!"

Meng Zhuqing's heart skipped a beat again, but she still thought that Tuoba Yao was talking drunkenly, which was totally unbelievable.

Sighing again, he took two steps closer to her and said, "Princess, the last general is really Meng Zhu."

Before Meng Zhuqing finished speaking, Tuobayao jumped up suddenly, and even quickly stretched his hand towards Meng Zhuqing's face, and before Meng Zhuqing could react, he took off the mask on Meng Zhuqing's face.

Tuoba Yao even said proudly: "The princess has already taken off your mask, let's see how you can lie to the princess that you are him!"

Meng Zhuqing's whole body was so stiff that she forgot to breathe.

She just took off his mask so loudly, it's fine if she didn't give him time to prepare, and he didn't expect it to happen.

He originally thought that from the moment he put on the mask, after that day, every time he saw her, he was wearing a mask. Not only covering his face, but also covering his heart.

"Let this princess see how you look." Tuoba Yao leaned in front of him drunkenly, her alluring and beautiful face approached him even more, her alcoholic breath sprayed all over his face, Make his heart beat like a drum.

Tuoba Yao supported the table with one hand to stabilize her wobbly body, while carefully sizing up his face for a while, the distance between her face and his face was really very close.

He couldn't even breathe.

My heart beat even harder.

I don't know if it was because of the influence of the alcohol she exhaled, he felt that he was a little drunk, his head was a little unclear, and he couldn't think of anything.

"Huh?" Tuoba Yao stared at him for a long time, and finally, slightly surprised, "You seem familiar."

Does it look familiar? I'm Meng Zhuqing.

Meng Zhuqing said this in his heart angrily at first, he really felt that Tuoba Yao had drunk too much, but then he said it in a good voice: "Princess, how many times do you want the general to say that you are Meng Zhuqing?"

However, because of this, he is not as stiff as before, he is very calm now. Anyway, she is a drunk now, even if he reveals his intentions, she will not be able to find out like this.

However, his heart was still pounding.

It can be seen how much this person has influenced him.

"Meng Zhuqing..." Tuoba Yao murmured softly again, her eyes and expression were full of disbelief, but she still stared at him, her pretty eyebrows were still furrowed tightly.

After a while, she raised her hand and touched his face.

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