Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 949 Why do you hurt yourself so much?

When her face was touched, Meng Zhuqing's whole body stiffened instantly.

Usually she is not so bold at all, and she is really drunk.

Meng Zhuqing froze while thinking this way, thinking that Tuoba Yao was drunk, that's why she behaved like this.

And Tuoba Yao was indeed drunk.

"You are quite like him." Tuoba Yao said obviously drunk while touching his face. "Just like he doesn't have these things on his face"

She touched the scar on his face.

Meng Zhuqing felt her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

"No." She suddenly frowned again, denying herself, "It seems that he also has some, and he was hacked by random knives."

Hearing this, Meng Zhuqing felt uncomfortable again. He could see her guilt. She is guilty of him. And he didn't want her like this.

At first, he was willing.

Now, if he was asked to die for her, he would still be willing.

"It's okay, the general didn't look good in the first place, so it's okay to have a few more scars now." Meng Zhuqing reassured pretending not to care at all.

After hesitating for a while, he still took two steps back, and his face just got out of her hand.

"You" didn't seem to expect that he would not let her touch it, Tuoba Yao first looked at him in confusion for a long while, then lowered her head, lowered her eyes, and looked at her hand that touched his face just now.

He didn't speak, just looked at her hands.

Because she lowered her head, he couldn't see her expression, and he didn't know if she was in a daze or what.

"Princess?" He called her tentatively.

Tuoba Yao still lowered her head, looking at her hand that touched those scars on his face just now, "You are really him."

Meng Zhuqing couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, but she didn't say that she was Meng Zhuqing anymore, but said respectfully: "It's too cold at night, the princess should go back to the house early to rest."

He could clearly feel the hand she touched his face just now, it was really cold.

He was really worried, afraid that she would get sick from the cold in this cold night.

Tuobayao didn't speak, just turned around staggeringly, and sat back on the round stool she was sitting on just now, just picked up the jug and wanted to pour wine into the wine cup, Meng Zhuqing shouted again in disapproval: "Princess!"

Tuoba Yao glanced at him first, and then, while continuing to pour wine into the wine cup, she asked slowly: "Would you like to have a drink together?"

Seeing that Tuoba Yao couldn't pour the wine into the wine cup at all, most of the wine was outside the wine cup, and the table was wet, Meng Zhuqing gritted her teeth, couldn't bear it anymore, stepped forward, and snatched the wine pot from her hand , and said: "Princess, you can't drink anymore."

Tuobayao ignored Meng Zhuqing, and did not go to grab the wine pot with Meng Zhuqing, she just picked up the wine cup, there was only a little wine in the wine cup, Meng Zhuqing originally thought that Tuoba Yao would drink it, and wanted to grab the wine cup, but now he hoped that she would drink every drop of wine. Don't drink any more.

But before Meng Zhuqing reached out to snatch it, Tuoba Yao crushed the white porcelain wine cup, the white porcelain fragments scattered everywhere, and some white porcelain fragments pierced deeply into her palm.

For a moment, her palm was pierced with blood.

Meng Zhuqing was taken aback, and he didn't care that the person in front of him was a noble princess, let alone the difference between men and women, so he stepped forward to break her hand that was tightly crushing the wine cup.

She is holding a wine glass in her right hand.

As soon as his right hand was opened by him, he saw blood and flesh inside, and Meng Zhuqing felt so distressed that he couldn't help it.

"If you are angry, if you are sad, you can be the last general, you can throw things, why do you hurt yourself so much?"

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