Without waiting for Tuobayao's answer, Meng Zhuqing wanted to call someone to treat the wound on Tuobayao's hand, but Tuobayao held him back with his other intact hand, not allowing him to go to someone.

I only heard Tuoba Yao whispering: "Who told you not to drink with me?"

Now, Meng Zhuqing wanted to curse someone.

He wanted to scold Tuoba Yao.

Just because he didn't drink with her, she made her hands like this? How could she not love herself so much? !

But he couldn't bear to scold at all.

Even if you want to scold, you can't get those scolding words out of your mouth.

"Princess, you should take care of the injury on your hand first, and then drink with you later, okay?" He compromised.

The first priority is the injury on her hand.

"Yeah." After a pause, "No one else."

"Huh?" Meng Zhuqing didn't understand what Tuoba Yao meant when he didn't want others.

Intoxicated with alcohol, Tuoba Yao swayed, very drunk, but her tone was firm: "You deal with it."

Combined with the words just now, Meng Zhuqing understood now. Tuoba Yao wanted him to deal with the injury on her hand and not allow others to deal with it.

Meng Zhuqing's heart was filled with mixed emotions.

Despite this, Meng Zhuqing still agreed: "Okay, the general will take care of it, so can you enter the house with the general now?"

Not to mention that the injury on her hand hadn't been healed, she was sickened by the cold.

But now, he just treats her, a drunk, as a child.

"En." Tuoba Yao responded lightly, and then, holding on to the table, she tried to stand up, but because of the drunkenness, she was very dizzy and her legs were so weak that she couldn't exert any strength at all. The person fell down.

"Be careful!" Meng Zhuqing could only support her hastily.

Originally Meng Zhuqing wanted to help Tuoba Yao into the house, but Tuoba Yao really couldn't stand up, the whole body was leaning on him, there was no way to go, so he had no choice but to hug Tuoba Yao horizontally and hold Tuoba Yao in his arms. Yao quickly carried Tuoba Yao into the courtyard where Tuoba Yao lived, and quickly carried Tuoba Yao into the house.

At this time, Meng Zhuqing was very fortunate that Tuoba Yao didn't leave a servant girl to take care of her in the courtyard.

At this moment, there was no one else in the courtyard except him and her.

And the guards in the mansion had patrolled around the courtyard fifteen minutes ago, and they had to wait a while for the guards to patrol again.

It can be said that no one saw the matter of him and her in the gazebo just now, and the matter of him carrying her in.

He is not Gong Juechen, he is very concerned about her reputation, he doesn't want her to be entangled with gossip, he just wants her to be well.

As soon as Meng Zhuqing carried Tuoba Yao into the room, he placed Tuoba Yao in front of the round table and sat down. Immediately, he hurried to get a basin of water to treat Tuoba Yao's injuries.

Tuoba Yao just sat there obediently, so drunk that she couldn't see who was treating her wound, but she still watched.

I don't know if the alcohol has numb the nerves. At this moment, Tuoba Yao can't feel the pain of the wound at all. She just continued to look at the person who carefully treated her wound for fear of hurting her with drunken eyes, as if If you don't look at it, he will disappear.

Meng Zhuqing was concentrating on treating Tuoba Yao's wound, she was afraid of hurting Tuoba Yao, so she didn't notice that Tuoba Yao was always looking at him.

After taking out all the white porcelain shards from Tuoba Yao's wound, Meng Zhuqing applied golden sore medicine to Tuoba Yao's wound, the best golden sore medicine, he would not be willing to use this medicine at ordinary times.

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