Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 951 Pain...

The hemostatic effect of this golden sore medicine is really good, once applied to the wound, Tuoba Yao's wound stopped bleeding.

Seeing that the wound was no longer bleeding, Meng Zhuqing breathed a sigh of relief, and then bandaged Tuoba Yao with a white cloth.

After wrapping it up, Meng Zhuqing confessed to Tuoba Yao: "The last general offended the princess, I hope the princess will forgive me."

The princess was not touched by anyone casually, but just now he took someone's hand to treat the wound, which was really offensive.

Tuoba Yao looked at Meng Zhuqing with hazy eyes, and didn't know if she heard Meng Zhuqing's words, so she just said: "Wine."

It was only one word, but Meng Zhuqing instantly understood the meaning.

"Princess, you are injured, it's better not to drink any more." What he said was true.

It's not trying to shirk, it's really for her own good.

But Tuobayao, a drunk, is obsessed with this matter, how can you go back on what you just promised.

She didn't say anything, she raised her hand and was about to open the wound he had just treated for her.

Meng Zhuqing didn't expect that Tuoba Yao's reaction would be so great, she was frightened and quickly stopped: "I'm going to bring in the food and wine right now, don't hurt yourself any more."

Only then did Tuoba Yao let go of her hands, and stopped torturing her wounds.

Meng Zhuqing had no choice but to go out and bring all the food and wine from the gazebo into the house.

But the dishes were already cold, Meng Zhuqing didn't want Tuoba Yao to eat cold food, so he told Tuoba Yao first, and then he went to the kitchen to get the copper stove and charcoal.

And when he brought the things from the kitchen, Tuoba Yao had already fallen asleep lying on the table before lighting the hot dishes.

Seeing that Tuoba Yao fell asleep, Meng Zhuqing was not annoyed at all, and was very relieved.

Sleeping is much better than drinking.

Meng Zhuqing opened his mouth, wanting to tell Tuoba Yao to sleep on the bed, but before he could say the words, he felt that he might wake Tuoba Yao up, and he didn't want Tuoba Yao to wake up and toss, so he swallowed the words back to his stomach.

Gently put down the things in his hands, then he walked over, first took off Tuoba Yao's cloak, then he hugged Tuoba Yao horizontally again, and put Tuoba Yao on the bed.

He didn't help Tuoba Yao take off her clothes, he just helped her take off her shoes, and then he pulled the quilt to cover her.

Standing by the bed, staring at her beautiful face for a while, he turned around with satisfaction and some discomfort, and went to clean up the food and wine on the table, as well as the copper stove and charcoal he had just bought.

When he packed everything up and was about to leave, he saw the person on the bed hugging his stomach in pain, curling up his body and moaning.

He hurried over and asked anxiously, "Princess, what's wrong with you?"

Tuoba Yao didn't answer him, but still closed his eyes tightly, curled up on the bed with his stomach in his arms and moaned, showing an extremely uncomfortable look.

Seeing Tuoba Yao's appearance, Meng Zhuqing became even more anxious: "Princess? Princess? What's wrong with you, Princess?"

He even pushed her, trying to wake her up. Her appearance showed that she was not having a nightmare, but that her body was suffering.

Finally, Tuoba Yao woke up, her drunken eyes were full of tears, she didn't even look at Meng Zhuqing, she just murmured in pain: "It hurts!"

Seeing Tuobayao holding her stomach, Meng Zhuqing asked, "Does it hurt?"

Tuoba Yao didn't answer, but hummed uncomfortably, and just kept humming one word: "It hurts"

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