Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 952 I know what's going on

Meng Zhuqing anxiously wanted to ask for a doctor, but just as he turned around, he remembered that Gong Juechen had once given him a hangover pill and he was carrying it with him.

Feed her first, let her get drunk, and see where she feels uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Meng Zhuqing turned around again, took out the hangover pill and asked Tuoba Yao to take it.

Tuoba Yao just swallowed subconsciously.

The effect of the anti-alcoholic pills came on very quickly, and Tuoba Yao soon regained her senses, and she was no longer hazy and unable to see clearly.

And when she saw the person standing by the bed, her uncomfortable expression instantly turned as cold as ice.

"Why are you here?" She also asked quite coldly.

Meng Zhuqing had already put on the mask again when he was packing things lightly, and he didn't know how to answer Tuoba Yao's words for a while.

He simply didn't answer, but asked: "Princess, what's wrong with you? The general will go and find a doctor for you."

Tuoba Yao struggled to sit up, leaned against the head of the bed, looked outside through the open door, it was very dark outside, and it was so quiet, it must be late at night.

Her head hurt a little, her stomach was burning hot, and she tried her best not to show it.

Looking back, it fell on the person standing by the bed.

Originally, she didn't want to tell Meng Zhuqing honestly, but seeing Meng Zhuqing's concerned face, she said honestly: "Stomach hurts."

"Then I will immediately invite the doctor to come and show the Princess." After speaking, Meng Zhuqing planned to turn around and invite the doctor.

But Tuoba Yao stopped him.

I only heard Tuoba Yao say indifferently: "No need, the princess knows what's going on."

"What's going on?" Meng Zhuqing immediately turned her head and looked at her with eyes hoping she would explain his confusion.

Tuoba Yao fell silent.

After a while, she said honestly again: "I haven't eaten all day, I drank too much wine, that's it."

When Meng Zhuqing heard that Tuoba hadn't eaten for a day, Meng Zhuqing was so distressed that he died, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Then I'm going to cook some porridge for the princess." After speaking, Meng Zhuqing turned and walked out again.

This time, Tuoba Yao didn't stop him.

As soon as Meng Zhuqing's figure disappeared from sight, Tuoba Yao first lowered his eyes with mixed feelings, and after a while, he raised his hand and rubbed his aching temple.

But as soon as she rubbed her temples, her stomach became even hotter. She immediately curled up again and hugged her stomach tightly, trying to make herself feel better, but it was still extremely uncomfortable.

She had never been drunk before, and this was the first time.

The stomach is so uncomfortable, and the anti-alcoholic pills are still working, so Tuoba Yao's mind is clearer.

This became more sober, and Tuoba Yao carefully recalled what happened when she was drinking in the gazebo, but she couldn't recall anything except that she kept drinking in the gazebo, and the night of drinking was getting deeper and deeper.

Then why is Meng Zhuqing here?

Thinking that Meng Zhuqing didn't answer her question just now, she didn't bother to dwell on this question any longer.


Feeling the pain in her hand, Tuoba Yao raised her right hand to have a look, and found that her hand was actually injured, which made her startled slightly, and then felt that she should be the one who hurt herself.

She didn't believe that the injury on her hand might be caused by him.

She still knew who he was.

When Meng Zhuqing came in with the porridge, Tuoba Yao struggled to get up from the bed, got out of bed, went to the table and sat down.

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