Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 953 I am not afraid of the oblique shadow

Seeing that Tuoba Yao's face turned pale, Meng Zhuqing was very worried, but she didn't say anything, but scooped a bowl of steaming porridge for Tuoba Yao.

Tuoba Yao didn't look at Meng Zhuqing either, as soon as she saw a bowl of porridge pushed in front of her, she picked up the spoon and drank the porridge slowly. In order to keep her stomach from being so hot, she couldn't think of any other good way besides eating.

Meng Zhuqing stood aside and watched.

While drinking, Tuoba Yao raised her right hand and asked, "How did I do it?"

Meng Zhuqing couldn't figure out if Tuoba Yao really couldn't remember what happened when he was drunk, or if he asked on purpose, but he chose to lie in the end: "I don't know."

Tuoba Yao glanced at her injured right hand, then put her right hand down, and didn't ask Meng Zhuqing anything else, but said calmly: "This princess can't remember anything when I'm drunk, I don't know why Injured, it seems that in the future, this princess will not be able to drink like this anymore."

Although Meng Zhuqing didn't speak, she agreed with Tuoba Yao's words that she would never drink like this again.

Tuobayao was originally worried that she would lose her composure and expose her feelings to Meng Zhuqing when she was drunk, but seeing Meng Zhuqing like this, she felt more at ease.

Presumably she didn't reveal her thoughts at all.

If it was leaked, this good old man would never stand here as if nothing had happened.

If it was leaked, he should be kind enough to be with her and fulfill her wish.

Tuoba Yao only ate a bowl of porridge and stopped eating, and Tuoba Yao felt much better when the porridge was in his stomach.

But the stomach is still burning hot, just like putting a very hot pepper in it, the spicy person is super uncomfortable.

"Princess, do you really not need to ask a doctor to take a look?" Meng Zhuqing was still a little worried.

"No need." After a pause, "Go down."

"Yes." Apart from answering yes, Meng Zhuqing didn't know what to say.

Just when Meng Zhuqing was about to go out with the porridge bowl and other things, Tuoba Yao spoke again, but said coldly: "You don't need to climb over the wall, go out through the door, the princess is not afraid of the shadow. "

Just now when he came in with porridge, he came in over the wall.

Meng Zhuqing was startled for a moment, then respectfully replied: "Yes."

But when Meng Zhuqing came out of Tuobayao's room carrying things, Meng Zhuqing still climbed over the courtyard wall.

In the middle of the night, he can't let people see someone going out from her, otherwise, there will definitely be rumors and rumors to slander her.

And the gossip she doesn't care about, but he does.

He didn't want her to be talked about.

He just wanted her to be well.

Tuoba Yao was standing by the window, the window had been slightly opened by her, seeing Meng Zhuqing outside the house climbed over the wall again, her beautiful eyes instantly darkened a lot.

What a nice guy.

I really hope you don't think so about me.

If you do this, I will suffer more

The next day, two servant girls came to clean the courtyard where Tuobayao lived as usual, and found that Tuobayao was not feeling well yet.

Fearing that something would happen to the Princess Tuobayao, the two maids did not dare to hide it, so they came to report to An Jing and Xiao Changyi.

"Do you know why she is unwell?" An Jing asked.

The maid said: "Returning to the princess, the princess said that she drank a lot of wine without eating yesterday, so that the servants don't have to tell the prince and concubine to know, but the servants are afraid that the princess will have something good or bad, so they still do it." Come and talk to the prince and princess."

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