Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 960 Free School

Said to the four little guys: "You come to mother's side one by one to release, this is by the river, it's not safe, you have to be obedient, I can only let mother protect you and release."

"Yeah," the four little guys obeyed obediently.

After the four little guys had finished setting off the lotus lanterns, Jing Jing raised her head and asked her husband: "Master, there is one more, do you want to let it go?"

This one was originally reserved for Xiao Changyi by An Jing, and let Xiao Changyi let it go, how could Xiao Changyi refuse, when An Jing asked him, he nodded, "Yeah."

Let Qin Er and the others take good care of the four children, so Xiao Changyi squatted next to An Jing, and together with An Jing, put the last lotus lantern into the water.

There are almost all lotus lanterns on the surface of the river, embellishing the night, the beauty is suffocating, and the beauty is dazzling.

Tuobayao had already set up the lotus lantern, and she had already stood up. Seeing An Jing and Xiao Changyi setting up the lantern with special affection, she felt envious again. Her beautiful eyes couldn't help looking at Meng Zhuqing.

Meng Zhuqing had recovered from his stunned state, and was paying attention to the surrounding situation. When he caught Tuoba Yao's gaze accidentally, he didn't know how to react in an instant.

When did she see him?

Meng Zhuqing's heart beat like a drum.

Tuoba Yao, however, acted as if she hadn't looked at Meng Zhuqing at all just now, she stretched out a hand towards Meng Zhuqing very naturally.

Meng Zhuqing hurriedly gave the rabbit lantern in his hand to Tuobayao again, at the same time, he felt a little disappointed. She shouldn't have looked at him just now. Even if you look at him, you just want to return the lantern in his hand.

Immediately, he comforted himself in his heart.

Now, he just wants her to be well, not wanting her to please him, so that's good, that's good

Thinking of this, Meng Zhuqing felt much more comfortable, and was not disappointed at all.

Jing Jing originally planned to go shopping again to see the lanterns. This imperial capital is very big, and there are exquisite lanterns everywhere tonight, which is really enough for her to go shopping and see, but because the four little guys are sleepy, Jing Jing doesn't After shopping, together with Xiao Changyi, he took the four little guys back.

Tuoba Yao saw An Jing go back, so she didn't continue to stroll, and went back to Prince Yi's Mansion with An Jing.

On the second day, when An Jing was teaching four little guys how to gesticulate wooden swords in the main courtyard of Prince Yi's mansion, someone came from the palace and asked An Jing to enter the palace, saying that Emperor Xiyun had something important to discuss with her.

Emperor Xiyun didn't need to say, in fact, An Jing also knew what it was for. Isn't it just teaching people how to spell and read pinyin?

This was said last year.

As soon as he entered the palace, as expected, this was the matter. Emperor Xiyun said that he would send ten scholar-bureaucrats to learn how to spell it with her, and then these scholar-bureaucrats would be responsible for promoting the pinyin in Xiyun.

Quiet no problem.

"Every day, they will go to Prince Yi's Mansion to learn from you for two hours, and they won't need to learn from you until they have learned it by heart." Emperor Xiyun said.

"Hmm." An Jing still had no objection. It's just, "Father, since you want to promote this pinyin so that people can read characters, why don't you set up some schools that you can attend without paying money? If so, there will be more people going to school, which can improve your child's ability. cultural level of the people.”

After a pause, he said quietly again: "Like the Jiuping Village where I used to live, there were only a few people in the village who knew how to read, and they didn't know many characters. Sometimes I needed to write something, and I had to hire someone to write it. Very inconvenient."

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