Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 961 Moved from Prince Yi's Mansion

"And when they went to work in the town, sometimes some unscrupulous people saw that they could not read and asked them to press their fingerprints by mistake, which made them work in vain and could not get a copper coin."

"In fact, they also want to know how to read, but since their families are poor, they can't read at all, so they can only continue to be ignorant of a single character."

Emperor Xiyun sighed and said: "Quiet, I have thought about this too, but it is difficult to do this. Although the national treasury is full now, all the money is used for more important and urgent things than this, such as preparing There are so many things to prevent natural disasters, and to build weapons in case there is another war. I can’t finish talking to you in a short time. I really don’t have spare money to run a school that doesn’t accept money.”

Quiet fell silent immediately. She also knows how to prioritize things. This place is all dependent on the sky. If a natural disaster strikes one day, a large amount of money will be allocated for disaster relief. The money in the treasury really cannot be used indiscriminately.

You know, to run a school, you not only need to build a school house, but also invite a master to teach the students. If there is no charge, one or two will be fine, but if there are too many schools, it is really a big deal for the national treasury. burden.

Emperor Xiyun saw that An Jing did not speak, and after pondering for a while, he opened his mouth again: "I have talked with Cheng Yu about this matter a long time ago, and both Cheng Yu and I feel that it is better not to do it. But if the treasury is special Sufficient, so that I don't have to worry about the future, then this school can be run."

An Jing heard the implication of Emperor Xiyun's words, and smiled: "The emperor wants me to think of some money-making ideas to fill up the treasury?"

Emperor Xiyun did not deny it, "If Jingjing can really come up with another good idea, it will be Xiyun's luck."

Jing Jing said: "Then let me think about it. I can't guarantee that I can figure it out. It's better for you, Father, not to have too high expectations of me."

Although Jing Jing would think of a way to make money for the treasury, Jing Jing couldn't think of this way for a while, so he simply taught the ten scholar-bureaucrats to learn pinyin.

At the beginning, the ten scholar-bureaucrats could hardly pronounce the pinyin spelling, but as time went by, they gradually got better.

Originally, those scholar-bureaucrats learned Fu Wuche, so they naturally knew how to read. An Jing just taught her pinyin, and then they corresponded with the characters. In less than a month, the scholar-bureaucrats had learned pinyin, and there was no need to come to Prince Yi's mansion to continue learning with Jing Jing.

There is no need to teach people to spell and read pinyin every day, so it is easier to be quiet.

At this time, the Prince Sheng's Mansion was completed, and Tuoba Yao could move in.

Before moving to Sheng Wang's Mansion, Tuoba Yao came to Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi, thanking Xiao Changyi and Jing Jing for taking them in for such a long time.

"You don't have to be so polite. Although you will live in Prince Sheng's Mansion in the future, you can still come and walk with us a lot. If you want, you can stay with us for a while." Tuoba Yao has always lived with her , It’s been several months, to be honest, now that Tuoba Yao is going to move out, An Jing is still a bit reluctant.

Tuoba Yao knew that An Jing was sincerely treating her well, and she was very moved, she said yes, and after talking for a long time, she left Prince Yi's mansion.

On the day Tuobayao moved out of Prince Yi's mansion, although Meng Zhuqing tried hard not to show it, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi still noticed Meng Zhuqing's depression, but Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't say anything about it.

On the third day after Tuoba Yao moved out of Prince Yi's mansion, An Jing was cutting fruit in the house, planning to pour goat's milk on the chopped fruit for her four children to eat.

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