Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 968 Another Handsome Guy

After listening quietly, I am even more delighted, this is probably the coal field!

Suppressing her joy, she said quietly: "Well, Meng Zhuqing, quickly send someone to pick up some black things from the place you passed by at that time, and let me see if it's what I'm looking for."

"Yes!" Meng Zhuqing went to do it immediately.

Seeing Meng Zhuqing leaving, Jing Jing happily said to Xiao Changyi: "Sir, the place Meng Zhuqing mentioned is probably where the coal field is."

Seeing that An Jing was happy, Xiao Changyi was also very happy, and responded softly: "Yes."

Because Ermin was far away from the imperial capital, it would take more than half a month for the people sent by Meng Zhuqing to come back.

Before An Jing and Xiao Changyi could return to the sent person, they heard from Emperor Xiyun that the seventh prince of Dongqing Kingdom, Dongfang Tianyang, had come to Xiyun, and he would be able to arrive at the Imperial Capital within two days.

Dongfang Tianyang is here to conduct friendly exchanges on behalf of Dongqing Country.

Emperor Xiyun didn't like wars. Wars would make life difficult for the people and seriously damage the vitality of the country. Therefore, when other countries sent envoys to have friendly exchanges and wish to make friends with Xiyun, Emperor Xiyun welcomed them very much.

Now, Emperor Dongqing sent his most beloved son Dongfang Tianyang as an envoy, which shows that Dongqing Kingdom really wants to make friends with Xiyun Kingdom.

Emperor Xiyun was very happy with Dongqing's great sincerity, and planned to let Xiao Changyi participate in the dinner to welcome Dongfang Tianyang at that time, expressing the sincerity of Xiyun Kingdom.

On the first day of March, Dongfang Tianyang arrived at the imperial capital, and then he was personally welcomed by Prime Minister Li into the post station to settle down.

That night, a grand welcome dinner was held.

Jing Jing also came to participate with Xiao Changyi, and sat next to Xiao Changyi, while Dongfang Tianyang, the prince of Dongqing Kingdom, sat directly opposite Xiao Changyi.

Dongfang Tianyang is tall and handsome. Compared with Su Chengyu's gentleness and majesty, his demeanor is more exposed, giving people a particularly wild feeling, but at the same time exuding a full sense of dignity.

Another handsome guy.

This is Jing Jing's comment to Dongfang Tianyang in her heart when she saw Dongfang Tianyang.

Immediately, she added in her heart: No matter how handsome you are, you can't be more handsome than my husband-in-law, and my husband-in-law is the most handsome.

Tonight, Meng Zhuqing also came, standing behind An Jing and Xiao Changyi.

Tonight, Tuoba Yao also came, but he sat a little far away from Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi, but sat beside Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi.

Tonight, Emperor Xiyun did not come, so the crown prince Su Chengyu accompanied and led the dinner.

Emperor Xiyun is the king of a country, so he can't lower his status to accompany a prince from another country, and Emperor Xiyun has Su Chengyu as his son now, even if Su Chengyu is the heir apparent, he can welcome Dongfang Tianyang.

As a result, at this moment, the one sitting on the high platform is the crown prince Su Chengyu.

Delicious food and wine at the table, slow dancing with Chinese music in the middle.

Dongfang Tianyang had a drink with Su Chengyu first, then raised his glass to Xiao Changyi who was facing him, and said with a smile: "Prince Yi's name has been admired for a long time, and today I can see his true face, Tianyang must have a drink with Prince Yi, this cup of Prince Yi Be sure to drink. Please!"

Before Xiao Changyi could speak, Dongfang Tianyang drank the wine in his glass.

Xiao Changyi didn't say anything, he just raised his wine glass to Dongfang Tianyang, and then he also drank it.

Dongfang Tianyang smiled politely at Jing Jing who was sitting next to Xiao Changyi, and Jing Jing returned a polite smile.

Seeing Xiao Changyi pouring food and wine for An Jing, others were no longer surprised, but Dongfang Tianyang was very surprised, and immediately showed a particularly meaningful smile.

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