Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 969 Praise? Humiliation?

And Xiao Changyi continued to take care of his daughter-in-law drinking and eating as if he didn't see Dongfang Tianyang's meaningful smile and eyes.

An Jing watched the maids dance while eating the food and wine, feeling quite peaceful through singing and dancing.

When Dongfang Tianyang glanced at Tuoba Yao's face, a look of amazement flashed in his eyes, and then Dongfang Tianyang asked, "Who is that?"

Tuobayao herself didn't feel anything, but Meng Zhuqing, who was standing behind An Jing and Xiao Changyi, felt her heart tighten.

Su Chengyu looked in the direction Dongfang Tianyang was looking at, and then said with a smile: "She is Tuoba Yao, the daughter of King Sheng."

Dongfang Tianyang immediately raised his wine glass to Tuoba Yao: "So it's Princess Yao, I'm disrespectful and disrespectful, but Princess Yao is too beautiful, and this prince is shocked to be a heavenly man, that's why I lost my manners, I hope the princess will not be offended .”

Tuoba Yao was very conflicted in Dongfang Tianyang's praise of her beauty in front of so many people.

It was because she was so good-looking that Tao Shangran thought of her and caused her five clans to die tragically. It was because she was too good-looking that Gong Juechen touched her body.

Although she was very conflicted in her heart, Tuoba Yao didn't show it at all on her face. She even raised her wine glass, facing Dongfang Tianyang, and said coldly and politely: "The seventh prince is serious."

With that said, she drank the wine in her glass.

Dongfang Tianyang did not drain the wine in the glass this time, but looked at Tuoba Yao's clear and indifferent appearance while sipping the wine in the glass slowly. Food and wine should also be meaningful.

Jing Jing and Su Chengyu saw all this in their eyes, but Jing Jing and Su Chengyu felt differently.

Su Chengyu felt that Dongfang Tianyang had clearly taken a fancy to Tuobayao, so he could suggest to his father that Tuobayao should be married to Dongfang Tianyang, and the marriage between the two countries should deepen the relationship.

Jing Jing felt that Dongfang Tianyang was enough to show off, as if everything was on her face.

However, Dongfang Tianyang is definitely not an idiot for being able to go to Xiyun as an envoy, so she felt that Dongfang Tianyang only seemed to put everything on his face, but in fact he didn't.

Maybe the city is very deep.

Involuntarily, An Jing shifted her gaze back and looked at Meng Zhuqing. Seeing that Meng Zhuqing was covering up very well and didn't show any emotion, she was relieved.

Dongfang Tianyang didn't know if he noticed that An Jing was looking at Meng Zhuqing. When An Jing looked back at Meng Zhuqing, Dongfang Tianyang opened his mouth and asked, "Prince Yi, why is the guard behind you wearing a mask? Is it disrespectful?"

Xiao Changyi didn't speak, but just glanced at Meng Zhuqing who was behind him.

Only then did Meng Zhuqing cup his fists, and said to Dongfang Tianyang neither humble nor overbearing: "Seventh prince, the general looks ugly, if you don't wear a mask, you will be disrespectful to His Highness."

"It turned out to be so ugly that you need to wear a mask, oh, I understand." Dongfang Tianyang had an expression of sudden realization.

But these words are completely hurtful.

When Tuoba Yao heard these words, her heart ached. She didn't want Meng Zhuqing to be talked about, but there was nothing she could do. Although she is a princess, but on this occasion, she can't say a word wrong.

Meng Zhuqing was from their family, how could Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi allow Meng Zhuqing to be bullied in front of so many people.

What's more, the other party is from Dongqing.

Meng Zhuqing was humiliated as a native of Xiyun, which was detrimental to the face of the entire Xiyun country.

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