Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 970 This battle is too much of a joke

Jing Jing immediately laughed and said: "The Seventh Prince's words are wrong. His appearance is given by his parents. Vice General Meng only wears a mask to show his deep respect for His Highness the Crown Prince."

In other words, it is not because of the ugly that one has to wear a mask to cover one's ugliness.

Xiao Changyi said lightly: "Seventh prince, have you ever thought about your third brother?"

Dongfang Tianyang was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed loudly and said, "Vice General Meng, right? It was my prince who made a slip of the tongue. This prince will apologize to you and punish you with three cups. I hope Vice General Meng will not mind it. This prince also made an unintentional mistake."

Meng Zhuqing cupped her fists again: "I don't dare to be that."

Although Meng Zhuqing said so, Dongfang Tianyang punished himself with three glasses of wine.

Su Chengyu originally felt that Xiyun had been humiliated, and he was secretly annoyed, but seeing his sister-in-law and emperor's brother fight back, Dongfang Tianyang apologized, and he found his face again, and his face was pretty Light.

A prince apologized to the little lieutenant general of their country, but he had a bright face.

Su Chengyu laughed again.

Quiet didn't understand what Xiao Changyi's words meant, turned his head, and asked Xiao Changyi in a low voice: "Sir, what did you mean by what you said just now? What's wrong with his third brother?"

Xiao Changyi said lightly: "I fought against his brother Sanhuang before on the battlefield, and his brother Sanhuang is extremely ugly."

If it weren't for the restraint of this occasion, if it wasn't for the determination, An Jing would really burst out laughing.

No wonder Dongfang Tianyang apologized so heartily.

As soon as Dongfang Tianyang punished himself with three glasses of wine, he looked at Xiao Changyi and said with a smile: "Even though Brother Sanhuang was once defeated by Prince Yi, Brother Sanhuang told Tianyang that he was convinced of the defeat. The third brother also asked Tianyang to tell Prince Yi that if he sees Prince Yi again in the future, he also hopes that Prince Yi will have a good fight with him again."

"It's easy to say." Although Xiao Changyi said so lightly, Xiao Changyi didn't intend to fight.

At that time, the two countries were at war, and he made Dong Qing retreat after he dealt with the third prince.

Seeing that Dongfang Tianyang was talking to Su Chengyu, An Jing lowered his voice and asked Xiao Changyi: "Is the third prince high in martial arts?"

"Not as tall as me." After a pause, "He's a martial idiot."

"Have you fought him many times, how do you know he is a martial idiot?"

"On one occasion, he said that as long as I beat him to the ground, he would retreat. And he did what he said."

"No way?" The third prince's battle was too much of a joke.

"I heard," Xiao Changyi continued, "after he retired, he lobbied other countries not to attack Xiyun. He was afraid that my life would be lost, and he would not be able to compete with me anymore."

"Well, what a martial idiot."

Xiao Changyi continued: "Not only did the other countries not listen to his lobbying, on the contrary, after he returned to China, he was punished by his father, Emperor Dongqing, to contemplate for a year behind closed doors."

An Jing wanted to slap the table and laugh wildly.

It's so hilarious.

However, although the third prince is a martial idiot and a single-minded person, she thinks that third prince is quite interesting based on what her husband said.

Suddenly, she wanted to meet the third prince.

As soon as the dinner was over, An Jing and Xiao Changyi planned to return to Prince Yi's mansion. Seeing that Tuoba Yao didn't bring a guard with him, An Jing asked Meng Zhuqing to escort Tuoba Yao back to the palace.

I have known Meng Zhuqing for so long, and Meng Zhuqing is honest with her husband and she can tell them anything, she can really see how much Meng Zhuqing misses Tuobayao.

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